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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 20:23



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 22:48

First, services marketing. Modern economic development is characterized by a significant service instry booming national economy, the status of its growing importance of services marketing highlights the growing importance of China has joined WTO, foreign companies have to seize the Chinese, and foreign services, marketing war will appear white-hot trend. Economic life of service can be divided into two categories. One is service procts, proct creation and delivery for customers mainly from the core interests of intangible services. The other is the function of services, procts, mainly from the formation of the core interests of the ingredients, invisible only to meet customer service needs of non-major. Berry think that the source of the proct's core interests, the tangible and intangible elements of composition to be more than that, then the proct can be seen as a "commodity" (tangible procts); if intangible components of tangible elements to more than that, then the proct can be seen as a "service." And services consistent with this distinction, service marketing research formed the two major areas, namely services, procts, marketing and customer service marketing. Service is the essence of proct marketing, how to promote the exchange of proct services; customer service is of the essence of marketing, how to use the services as a marketing tool to promote the exchange of tangible procts. However, both services proct marketing, or customer service, marketing, service marketing is the core concept of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and by obtaining customer satisfaction and loyalty to the promotion of mutually beneficial exchange, and ultimately sales performance improvement and long-term business growth. Second, network marketing. Use of the Internet is a communication line, into the international network of global computer information delivery system will be the next most important channel for marketing. Internet Marketing features include; can provide anytime, anywhere 24 hours of global marketing services; computer can store large amounts of information, on behalf of consumer inquiries, the amount of information transmitted and accuracy, far more than other media; to meet market demands in a timely manner Update proct or price adjustments; rece printing and mailing costs; and no store rent, saving water and labor costs; can avoid the interference of a salesman selling strong; can talk through the provision of information and interaction with consumers long-term good relations. Internet is the most powerful marketing tool, it also combines Qu, marketing, electronic transactions, interactive customer service and market information analysis and delivery of a variety of functions. It features sound and light interactive communication, as of time, the media, who have been attracted to the eyes of the younger generation. In addition, it has a one to one marketing capabilities, it is consistent with [Focus marketing] and [direct marketing] future trend. Internet marketing can be considered as an emerging marketing channels, it is not necessarily to replace the traditional channels, but through the development of information technology to innovation and re-marketing channels. But it is undeniable that online marketing is bound to impact traditional marketing, so the business community must pay attention to this trend, and with the software instry for close contact and cooperation. Advertising instry as an example, in the latest media age, sales are consistent from start to finish operation, that is attracting attention from the triggered interest, resulting in purchases, procurement, these cities become, and advertising companies will participate in the marketing of the whole. Commercial enterprises also need to change the traditional organizational forms, to enhance the functions of the new media sector, the introction of both quality and marketing personnel in computer technology, the future can have the market's competitive advantage. Third, green marketing. The so-called "green marketing" refers to the social and enterprises are fully aware of the increasing environmental awareness of consumers and the resulting need for clean-based pollution-free procts based on the discovery, creation and select market opportunities, through a series of rational means of marketing to meet consumer and community development needs of the ecological environment and realize sustainable development process. Green Marketing is the core ecological principles in accordance with environmental protection and to select and determine the marketing mix strategy is based on green technology, green markets and green based on economic, ecological concerns for the human response to a mode of operation. Some developed countries the demand for green procts is very extensive, but developing countries as capital and consumer orientation, quality and consumer reasons, it can not really achieve the greening of all consumer demand. Taiwan for instance, currently only some food, home appliances, communication procts, part-green; while developed countries have adopted a variety of ways and means, including legislation, etc., Lai Tuixing and the achievement of all procts Di green consumption. Thus having a very broad basis of market demand for green marketing activities have laid a solid foundation. To green, for example, the United Kingdom, Germany, the demand for green food can not self-sufficient, the United Kingdom every year, the import of 80% of the total food consumption in Germany is as high as 98%. This indicates that the market potential for green procts is very large, very wide market demand. Green marketing is the twenty-first century consumer demand resulting from a novel marketing idea, that is, green marketing, marketing is also not out of the original theory. Therefore, the development of green marketing model and program selection and integration of related resources can not can not be severed from the original basis of marketing theory can be said that green marketing is the pursuit of health, safety, environmental protection, developed under the ideology of the new ways and means of marketing. Establish a modern enterprise is only a new marketing philosophy of sustainable development, make efforts to green marketing, the development of green procts for green proction, and sustainable development to adapt to the trend. At the same time, enterprises can further "consumer oriented", to promote sustainable consumption patterns of the full development and realization of their obligation to promote social development and ecological development of the responsibilities and obligations, so that their economic, social and environmental benefits .
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