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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 20:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 02:04

I change I have changed it, really to target progress So many question clearly I change is not seen. Why did you change so difficult, a habit need time to develop 21 days, 21 days to me how so difficult. Insist! Toughness! Self-control is like in my body, I don't have not discouraged, I will continue to work hard today, tomorrow's a change, will play a role, as long as their hearts forever remember what you're doing.It seems that his hasn't changed direction. Now to list:1, to read the news, understanding, national policy, the economic trend in the future to his own business may also help. Now that I didn't do ability to reserve.2 and some books about heart, make oneself is open-minded, understand social interpersonal abstruse. So it is not very childish, but society is a university never learn. People not only have knowledge, more important is to learn how to behave.3 and positive work. Although current job is not my ideal, but I improve self diathesis. Past yourself free lax accustomed to them, do not carefully made here, if it continues, the event will be the best time is to change yourself. Positive things, I understand everything to understand understand business process, whether is not his job but with relevant are going to do. So make yourself a comprehensive business backbone.4 and list. Schele lists5, responsibility, liability. I will treat all his family, my mother is the ty is the wife, is not full the ronin not hungry family. When a child because of the mother cried when I do something, not only need someone else, I, I need to hug and play. A wife of women with gentle is far from enough to shoulder the burden of family, home is not a person composed by yourself, don't forget to have a once forgot, oneself also can people forget.6 and the soul. No lo

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