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哪位高手帮我翻译一下 个人简历

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 21:56



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 13:57


Personal Resume
As a computer science university graates, I have the young age and knowledge; younger age may means lack of experience, but also means enthusiasm and vitality, I’m quite confident that I can overcome various difficulties in the future life and work by my ability and knowledge, and will constantly realize the value of life and pursuit the life goals.

Specialty & Hobbies
to the operation of skilled at office software such as Word and Excel;
Familiar with web page making, dynamic network design, SQL, programming designs, such as the C language, JAVA programming, VB Programming, C #. Net and so on, in 2008, using C #. Net I completed the proceres for the communications systems.

Awards ring the Study
In May 2009 won the third Award of "the eighth international office software core skills of the World –the final in China area";
2006 - 2008 won many times the title of "College merit student ", " merit student", " activists for merit student";
2008 - 2009 won the superior prize of the activity of "read a good book, write a good article," held in the college.
2005 - 2009, won many times the "third-class scholarship";
2002 - 2003 , was awarded the third prize of the "Ancient Poems" competition held in the Suzhou Instrial Park

Relevant Certificates
National Certificate Computer Intermediate;
Certificate of Microsoft Office EXCEL expert-level;
Certificate of Microsoft Office WORD expert-level;
Certificate of First degree of National IT Professional English test;
National Certificate of English level Test.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 13:58

As a computer professional college graates, I have a young and knowledge, Young may mean lack of experience, but young also means that passion and energy, I'm confident in their ability to knowledge and in the work and life after graation, overcome various difficulties self-realization value of life and the pursuit of the goal
Can skilled operate Word and Excle office software,
Familiar with the "dynamism" design, web page design, programming design, like the SQL language, JAVA, such as C program design, VB program design, C #.net, etc, in 2008, using C #.net complete communications systems programming.
During the period of school awards
May 2009 won "the eighth international office software world series - China core skills; the final third."
2006-2008 school year awarded the "courtyard miyoshi students", "miyoshi students", "against triple-a activists" title,
The 2008-2009 school year in the courtyard host's "reading a good book, write a good article" won the prize in the activities,
Many year 2005-2009 third-class scholarship courtyard ";"
2002-2003 academic year in suzhou instrial park of "poems" won the contest
Relevant certificates
The national computer intermediate certificate,
Microsoft office software EXCEL expert certificate,
Microsoft office software WORD expert certificate,
The professional English proficiency test level IT certificate;
The English test level certificate.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 13:58

As a computer science university graates, I have the younger and knowledge; young may mean that lack of experience, but also means that young enthusiasm and vitality, I can be their own self-confidence and knowledge of the ability to work after graation and overcome various difficulties in life, and constantly self-realization of human values and the pursuit of the objectives of
Long love
Word to the operation of skilled and Excle office software;
Familiar with web page proction, dynamic network design, SQL and so on, like the program design, such as the C language, JAVA programming, VB Programming, C #. Net and so on, in 2008, using C #. Net to complete the proceres for the preparation of communications systems.
Awards at school ring the
In May 2009 won the "core of the eighth international office software skills to the World Series - China, the final" third;
2006 - 2008 school year, several times won the "Academy students Miyoshi", "Miyoshi students", "Miyoshi activists for" title;
2008 - 2009 school year held in the hospital, "read a good book, write a good article," won the prize activities;
2005 - 2009 school year, many times the "third-class scholarship House";
2002 - 2003 school year in the Suzhou Instrial Park's "Poems" was awarded third prize in competition
Relevant certificates
National Computer Intermediate Certificate;
Microsoft Office EXCEL expert-level certificate;
Microsoft Office WORD expert-level certificate;
National IT Workplace English proficiency test certificate level;
National Certificate in English Test level.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 13:59

Personal introction
As a computer professional college graates, I have a young and knowledge, Young may mean lack of experience, but young also means that passion and energy, I'm confident in their ability to knowledge and in the work and life after graation, overcome various difficulties self-realization value of life and the pursuit of the goal
Can skilled operate Word and Excle office software,
Familiar with the "dynamism" design, web page design, programming design, like the SQL language, JAVA, such as C program design, VB program design, C #.net, etc, in 2008, using C #.net complete communications systems programming.
During the period of school awards
May 2009 won "the eighth international office software world series - China core skills; the final third."
2006-2008 school year awarded the "courtyard miyoshi students", "miyoshi students", "against triple-a activists" title,
The 2008-2009 school year in the courtyard host's "reading a good book, write a good article" won the prize in the activities,
Many year 2005-2009 third-class scholarship courtyard ";"
2002-2003 academic year in suzhou instrial park of "poems" won the contest
Relevant certificates
The national computer intermediate certificate,
Microsoft office software EXCEL expert certificate,
Microsoft office software WORD expert certificate,
The professional English proficiency test level IT certificate;
The English test level certificate.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 14:00

翻译是:As a computer professional college graates, I have a young and knowledge, Young may mean lack of experience, but young also means that passion and energy, I'm confident in their ability to knowledge and in the work and life after graation, overcome various difficulties self-realization value of life and the pursuit of the goal
Can skilled operate Word and Excle office software,
Familiar with the "dynamism" design, web page design, programming design, like the SQL language, JAVA, such as C program design, VB program design, C #.net, etc, in 2008, using C #.net complete communications systems programming.
During the period of school awards
May 2009 won "the eighth international office software world series - China core skills; the final third."
2006-2008 school year awarded the "courtyard miyoshi students", "miyoshi students", "against triple-a activists" title,
The 2008-2009 school year in the courtyard host's "reading a good book, write a good article" won the prize in the activities,
Many year 2005-2009 third-class scholarship courtyard ";"
2002-2003 academic year in suzhou instrial park of "poems" won the contest
Relevant certificates
The national computer intermediate certificate,
Microsoft office software EXCEL expert certificate,
Microsoft office software WORD expert certificate,
The professional English proficiency test level IT certificate;
The English test level certificate.
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