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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 17:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 20:07

Xiao LIn escaped an earthquake and he would like to share his experiences to teach us how to save ourselves when there's an earthquake.The first thing is keeping calm.As soon as Xiao Lin realised that this was an earthquak,he hid under the desk .The second thing is to save the energy and to compete with the time.Xiao Lin told his classmates not to cry and encourage everybody to hold on and not to sleep.And the most important thing is to know how to ask for help.To hit something is a good way to ask for help and to use the desks to make a road can save your lives.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 20:07

Keep calm: when the earthquake happened, xiaolin was hidden in the desk.

Save energy, strive for the time: when he was trapped ruins told the students don't cry, encouraging people to insist, ten million cannot sleep;

Distress and self-rescue: take knapped object transfer distress signal, With the desks develop channels

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 20:07

Xiao LIn escaped an earthquake and he would like to share his experiences to teach us how to save ourselves when there's an earthquake.The first thing is keeping calm.As soon as Xiao Lin realised that this was an earthquak,he hid under the desk .The second thing is to save the energy and to compete with the time.Xiao Lin told his classmates not to cry and encourage everybody to hold on and not to sleep.And the most important thing is to know how to ask for help.To hit something is a good way to ask for help and to use the desks to make a road can save your lives
Keep calm: when the earthquake happened, xiaolin was hidden in the desk.

Save energy, strive for the time: when he was trapped ruins told the students don't cry, encouraging people to insist, ten million cannot sleep;

Distress and self-rescue: take knapped object transfer distress signal, With the desks develop channels
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