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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 17:39



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 16:34

My name is electronic communications department of a student, five years of campus life gives me a full self, and constantly improve themselves, regardless of skills or knowledge space personal accomplishment, I have learned much. I love life, personality, cheerful and lively, helpfulness, enterprising, active and diligent, has the team spirit, have substantial professional knowledge, also have independent thinking ability, work attitude, willing to communicate with people. Just five years of specialized study has let me understand the importance of professional work, study skills and exercise are certain level. Part-time and the experience accumulated in the future, also hope to learn more in the life experience and exercise their ability to work.
选我啊 ,酸啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 16:34

My name is, a student from electronical communication department. Five years of campus affords me a space to fill and improve myself. I learned a lot whatever in knowledge, ability or self cultivation. I love life and like to ascend with my optimistic and diligent temperaments. i always have a sense of the spirit of team work, basically professional knowledge, dependent ability of thinking, careful attitude of working, and like communication with others also. Short five years of my major study makes a great sense to me of the significance of work, no matter my major study or skillful practice has gotten a certain level now. I got some experience of parttime job still. Here I really want to acquire the experience of life as much as I could and practise my ability of work in the later career.
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