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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-25 22:02



热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 02:22

For the convenience of patients to identify, in the shortest possible time to determine medical sector, to identify a very important sector. Especially the out-patient department and emergency department clothing. Design in the chest small logo in different colors, people at a glance. In logo design, the most eye-catching color-coded, which is displayed as the most useful form, a health care logo apparel in the text and icons can under, combined with color logo, will be due to stress that highlight the differences between positions and departments produce the expected visual effects. Logo graphic is to disseminate information more intuitive clothing symbols, graphics, coding and objectives should be the shape similar to make it easier to understand the meaning in order to quickly and accurately identify. Obstetrics and gynecology health care apparel can be painted chest of baby map, pediatric use of cartoon images to enhance童趣, dental drawn to the health of teeth, the Chinese medicine department of health care or clothing to China and India in the Tang suit篆字graphics.

There are lapel collar, stand-collar, no collar and other forms. To facilitate the wearing of surgical services should be used collarless jacket. The rest of health care apparel from the use of a suit or a small stand-collar round. Suits from more pleasing, in line with the eastern and western cultures. Can be in most areas of the aesthetic consciousness of people is acceptable, giving a sense of authority. Small circular collar stand-collar suit as beautiful but more protective. Ergonomics aims to transform the environment so that it is suitable for people's needs, based on creative thinking, will be designed to suit collar type can be turned, for partial operation of the departments, such as dentistry, facial features, operation or when there will be blood droplets spatter on the need to take certain protective measures will be double neckline, you can wear buttons, convenient and practical.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-26 02:25

For the convenience of patients in the shortest possible time, doctor department, the department identify determination is very important. Especially the outpatient and emergency department clothing. But in small area of different color logo design, let a person be clear at a glance. In logo design, color coded in most eye-catching, this is most useful forms, qualitative shows a medical clothing logo in words and if you can, under the color logo, due to emphasize, post and departments in visual communication between expected effect. Logo graphic is more intuitive information spreading dress code, graphic symbols with the goal that people are very similar to understand meaning to quickly and accurately identify. Maternity dress bosom can draw on medical chart, baby pictures using pediatric dentistry tong qu, cartoon as enhance healthy teeth, TCM sections medical clothing to integrate Chinese seal or outfit of graphics, etc.
Lapel collar, main forms and brought pleat. For the convenience of wear, operation should be used. No coat The suit brought by medical clothing more or small round pleat. Suit brought on beautiful, accord with eastern and western culture. Most people can be accepted by the aesthetic consciousness, give a person a kind of authority. Small round pleat suit brought beautiful but as protective stronger. Ergonomics aims to make the environment for people's needs, based on the creative thinking, will suit collars design on the type, for partial operation department, such as blood-test, operation kouqiangke, when droplets or blood splashes, he needs to take certain protective measures, will double, buckle on collarband buttons, convenient and practical.
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