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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 01:03



热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 08:11

I like the soft sands and blue sea water, in Yalong bay, people like to play sands or volleyball on the beach, like to swim in the sea or lying on a couch to see the blue sky and white clouds,I also enjoyed it very much, I like the beach and seafood in Yalong bay. Mon and me also visited the butterfly valley, rode Segway -- a self-balancing with two-wheeled vehicle in these days.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-02 08:11

Nan'ao Island is the only island county in Guangdong Province, offering a fascinating insight into the maritime Silk Road civilization. Based on its special geographical environment, Nan'ao has unique scenery and profound historical significance. The island's residents have for generations cultivated the sea for a living and harvested abundant gifts from the cornucopia of the sea.
Nan'ao Island has various tourist attractions, including the soft sands and blue sea water in Yalong Bay, where people like to play sands or volleyball on the beach, swim in the sea, or lie on a couch to see the blue sky and white clouds. In these days, my friend and I also visited Butterfly Valley and rode Segway, a self-balancing vehicle with two wheels.
Overall, Nan'ao Island is a beautiful and interesting place to visit, offering not only beaches and seafood but also a rich historical and cultural experience.
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