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急求 英语翻译!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-26 04:00



热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 15:57

Some unique systems which taken by the Japanese companies After World War II, played a key role in the course of economic development for enhancing the enterprise stability and competitiveness. Although China achieved tremendous success in the innovation of state-owned enterprises, we also encountered some difficulties and challenges in the process of establishing a modern enterprise system. Through anglicizing the Japanese enterprise system, this article focus on providing a bit references for the innovation of state-owned enterprises .

热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 15:58

After World War II, Japanese companies in the course of economic development taken by some unique institutional arrangement for the stability and enhance their competitiveness played a key role, although China's tremendous achievements made in the reform of state-owned enterprises, but the establishment of a modern enterprise system in the process , Has encountered some difficulties and challenges. This paper by the Japanese enterprise system analysis, China's state-owned enterprise reform and provide reference point.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 15:58

Some unique systems adopted in economic development of Japanese enterprise arrange after World War II, have played a key role in strengthening the stability and competitiveness of enterprises, though make the enormous achievement in state-owned enterprise reform of our country, ring the process of setting up the modern enterprise system, have had some difficulties with the challenge. This text aims at offering some for reform of the state-owned enterprise of our country to draw lessons from through an analysis of system of Japanese enterprise.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 15:59

After World War II, the Japanese Enterprise some unique institutional arrangements which adopts in the economic development process, played the crucial role regarding the enhancement enterprise's stability and the competitive power, although Our country state enterprise reform achieves the great achievement, but in the establishment modern enterprise system's process, has encountered some difficulties and the challenge. This article is for the purpose of through to the Japanese Enterprise system's analysis, provides a spot for our country State-owned business's reform to use for reference.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 15:59

Abstract:: After World War II, Japanese companies in the course of economic development taken by some unique institutional arrangement for the stability and enhance their competitiveness played a key role, although China's tremendous achievements made in the reform of state-owned enterprises, but in establishing a modern enterprise system In the process, encountered some difficulties and challenges. This paper by the Japanese enterprise system analysis, China's state-owned enterprise reform and provide reference point.
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