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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-29 03:58



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 13:49

The midterm summary for Senior Two. In sum, I perform well in these midterm exams, especially for history and politics which are improved more than those in Senior One and meet the target.
Perhaps it is because of the more efforts in this term. It seems to prove the proverb saying "God heps those who help themselves". Among the six subjects, I don't perform well in geography and English, which I am good at. I rightly pass the tests. To my depression, it is out of my expectation that I have made 6 mistakes in Reading Comprehension.
To sum up the reasons, I conclude two points. On one hand, the tape of English listening test didn't play completely, which disturbed my thoughts. On the other, I was carless and had made mistakes in many basic problems, which led to the low mark in this English exam.
In regard of geography, I didn't do well because of less attention on lessons, less interests and less exercises. Hence, later on, I will focus on English and geography, with my mind put into them, and try to achieve a success in the next final exams. Moreover, I will improve myself according to what teachers have pointed out to me in the study and life later on.



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 13:49

Second year in high school period in summary, in general, the mid-term exam is good, especially the history and politics of higher term progress, have reached their intended target. Perhaps because of this term has invested more energy. This seems to be a popular saying" God helps those who help themselves"! But in six subjects, geography and English but not test well, especially in English, it is my strengths, just pass the. Most makes me depressed is, reading comprehension is 6 wrong, is really out of my expectation. Analysis of the causes of poor, I think there are two, one is the exam English hearing sound recording did not play the full, made me very upset, affects the question mood. Two is the title not careful enough too careless, many basic questions wrong, leading to the English did not get high marks. As for geography, because the usual class didn't listen, they are not interested, class is seldom do exercises to test, so bad, so after a period of time, I will focus on English and geography, a good attitude adjustment, correct attitude, strive for in the coming final exams to obtain better results, in addition, in the future, if I have done the insufficient place still hope the teacher can help me to correct them, I would try to change.
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