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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-27 18:52



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 11:17

Unfortunately, thanks to

Philosopher once heard a story. A number of travelers in the street to see the flowers in full bloom, he walked to adopt. Along the way a flower than a large, a more than a United States than an an incense into the evening, close to the end of the journey, he saw a huge exotic flowers, in the twilight of a distributed Qinrenxinpi the fragrance. He was overjoyed, and the rest in the hands of flowers, running in the past, but his pace because of the travel fatigue and a bit heavy. He finally arrived at the Nao spent before, Nao has withered flowers, and he took desperate pedicel, a hand-shake, a petal of a fall down.

As a result, some travelers sigh as if he did not recall with nostalgia those flowers and great strides have been to move forward, it may be Nao exotic flowers. I did not, even if he has been pleasantly surprised that he Nao of strange flowers, when he Looking back, in the same frame of mind will be missed so much regret the Unnamed fragrance of flowers, may be unknown in this small inconspicuous flowers Chinese Xinchishenwang he made a will, made his feelings very much, he made Xijierqi ... ...

Unfortunately, life is a process that is because of the numerous regret that our life was so beautiful and so wonderful. Looking back a little careless, past eyeful of the most memorable and fresh in the memory of it is destined to have had a little regret, as we often forget the summer shower, and keep in mind that the heat of the Nanai, forget the winter The hanging tree cotton, and to remember the bitter cold of the cold. Unfortunately, each was given to us are thinking about the grave, each left to regret that we are always touched by the fleeting time. It is important not regret one, and we have to forget about the wind and rain Streams of Jiancheng.

Many people have not been complaining and give up and sink, a wise man would rather not have to be persistent and to pursue and rise. Unfortunately, thanks, thanks life is a gift; thanks to regret the way forward will take a more solid; thanks to regret the days to come will not have too many regrets. Unfortunately, with travel, life would be more exciting!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 11:17

hfdsjhgdhsgjhdskjhgdshuweuhfuiewgfwiygfiegfsdgfjk ckjnckjncuiwdenfcyuis
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