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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 06:53



热心网友 时间:2024-03-12 04:21

Some people think that everyone has the right to have access to university ecation, and that government should make it free for all students no matter what financial background they have. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
There are some that argueuniversity ecation should be available to alland be provided freely bythe government. Whilefree tertiary ecation to all students regardless offinancial circumstances may impose burden ongovernmental tax revenue, I agree thatuniversity studies should be provided for free as it can result in the whole society as beneficiary.
On the one hand, tertiary ecation should not be free as not all citizens wish to attend universitiesor require degrees. Some professional fields in administration or hospitality do not need tertiary qualifications and many people may not choose to pursue a degree. For these citizens, it would be very unfairif they contribute a portion oftheir income to taxes that covers the study costfor all tertiary students. Thus, university ecation should not be made free for all students.
On the other hand, university studies should be made free for all students as it benefits society as a whole. Having free tertiary ecation would encourage more students of all financial backgrounds to attend universities, which will result in a well-ecated society and proctive workforce. For instance, Japan has one of the highest number of tertiary qualified citizens and have demonstrated higher levels of innovation and proctivityin fields like car manufacturing and technology. If university ecation is accessible at no cost, there is no doubt thatsociety will reapthese benefits.
Whilst it is unjust fora portion of citizens that do not require or do not desire tertiary degrees, I agree wholeheartedly thatfree university ecation would benefit society as a whole, as previously mentioned. Having a majority ofcitizens that have specialised fields of knowledge would inadvertentlyresult in a very proctive and thriving workforce that can benefit a nation’s development and economy. Because of this, governments should provide free tertiary ecation.
In conclusion, whilst free university ecation may not be advantageous to all citizens, I believe thatit should be granted by governments, access to tertiary studies for everyone can result in prolific workforcesand well-ecated citizens.
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