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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 23:10



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 16:30

This meeting is gathered related enterprises such as composite material, engineering plastic, copper clad etc, which will promote the development of composite material instry in Chongqing and the west of China.
DuPont, Celanese, Itochu, GE, TISM, Teijin, Borealis/Borouge, Jiangsu Xieruo and Beijing automobile association..etc nearly a hundred domestic and international famous fiberglass enterprise, invited to attend the meeting.
The reason of why to hold the summit in Dakou district is because the Chongqing fiberglass instrial zoo is located there. And most important of all, Chongqing International Composite Materials Co., LTD, which is the leading enterprise of fiberglass field, also lies on there. It is the world's fourth proction scale and the second in China.
Fiberglass composite material is known as a kind of new material, which is widely used in chemical instries such as automobile, electronics information, petroleum and natural gas etc and prospected in the market. "But the lack of material forming technology and subordinate proction enterprises will not only affect forming of the local fiberglass instrial chain, but also core competitiveness of the users and the instry they belonged to,” said by Zhong Yesheng, the chief business representative of Chongqing fiberglass instrial park. Therefore, in order to supplement the long-term lack of instrial chain between the local fiberglass materials and downstream users of fiberglass composing materials, the goat for the summit is to make good use of the power of International Conference on Composite Structures to gather the Midstream and downstream processors of fiberglass.
During the meeting, China association of composite materials and engineering plastics instry association together with the government of Dakou district signed “cooperation agreement on building the Chongqing fiberglass composing materials instrial park". The principle officers of the two association says, they will make good use of the influence of national instry association, and try for to build the Chongqing Fiberglass Instrial Park as a new material Instry Base with proct variety and the collection of development, proction.
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