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英语作文 when a typhoon is coming

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 04:03



热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 15:08


"Hoo --" a typhoon of M 17 is coming! The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the wind was graally blowing up. I was flustered.


I sat nervously in the back seat of the battery car, holding the handle tightly with both hands, and my palms were sweating.


There seems to be no end to the way home. After a long wait, I finally saw the outline of my home.


I tried to open my eyes. An old man with a crutch was walking hard.


He suffered a defeat, fell in the wind, was the typhoon, the cold tyrant mercilessly on the ground. At this time, how much he needs a pair of warm hands!


However, when the typhoon came, my mother and I bypassed him and drove to the garage without thinking about it. My heart returned to my stomach.


I looked far away and saw the helpless old man again. My heart was sour. How I wanted to help him! But, typhoon, how terrible


The next day, the old man was ok, but my conscience was greatly condemned. I could have helped him, but I was afraid, timid and selfish. There is a typhoon in my heart.


The typhoon in nature is coming, it only brings material damage; When the typhoon comes, it is the double injury of heart and body.


热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 15:09

China can be visited through out the year because of the stretch of its territories and sites and activities it can offer. Deciding when to visit China depends on which places you wish to visit, what type of weather you enjoy, and how much a bargain you want. China is a huge country with many different climates and types of landscape. Think of it in terms of the United States, which China resembles in size and shape. Traveling along the Golden Route (Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Guilin) is like visiting New York, Chicago, Santa Fe, and Jacksonville, Florida all in one trip.

April, May, September and October are the peak tourist months at China’s most popular destinations when the weather is the most comfortable. Prices drop a bit in the shoulder season, which runs from November through March and from June through August. However, the winter months are peak season for trips to China’s Hainan Island and to the Northeast Harbin for its world-famous ice-lantern festival. This months are also packed with New Year holidays, Chinese Spring Festival and other national or local happy fairs. Summer months are great time to explore China’s Far East-Manchuria.

China has a continental and seasonal climate. Most parts are in the temperate zone but southern areas are in the tropical or subtropical zone while northern areas are in the frigid zone. Climates in different areas are complicated. For instance, northern Heilongjiang Province has a winter climate the year round without summer, while Hainan Island has a summer climate the year round without winter. The following is a reference table for tourists to prepare clothing on their trips.


Spring: 10-22°C, Western suits, jackets, sports coats, woolen jackets, long sleeve shirts and travel shoes.

Summer: 22°C and above, T-shirts, short sleeve shirts, skirts, sandals, caps, rain wear.

Autumn: 10-22°C, Western suits, jackets, sports coats, light woolen sweaters, rain wear and travel shoes.

Winter: 10°C or lower, overcoat, cotton clothes, lined coats. In very cold areas a cap, gloves and cotton-padded shoes are required

热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 15:09

Typhoon blows when there is an extreme low pressure within a district and usually it comes with heavy rainfall in a short space of time. The weather is very intense and every single typhoon in the history had tremendous impacts on that certain district. The best way to keep safe is to run away!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 15:10

the tyhoon makes people flying in the sky...

热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 15:11

trees fall down
ships ahd boats sink in the sea
blow away flowerpots outside people s flat
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