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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 23:19



热心网友 时间:2023-11-16 04:23

伊索寓言名言警句汇总 A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth. 骗子即使真心表白,也不会有人相信。A little thing in hand is worth more than a great thing in prospect. 抓在手中的东西虽小,也胜过美妙的幻想。All must work together or the Body will go to pieces. 人体器官应该同心协力,不然,整个身体就会垮掉。An immense number of coins flying all over the place. 无数的钱币如天女散花,满地都是。Any excuse will serve a tyrant. 暴君总能找到借口。Appearances are deceptive. 外表往往具有欺骗性。Be content with your lot; one cannot be first in everything. 知足常乐吧,人不可能在每件事上都是最出色的。Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear. 宁可安安心心地吃蚕豆和咸肉,也不愿胆战心惊地享用糕饼和麦芽酒。Better humble security than gilded danger.卑微的安全也胜地似炫耀的危险。Better no rule than cruel rule. 苛政不如没有统治。Better one safe way than a hundred on which you cannot reckon.一种安全的方法胜过一百种靠不住的法子。Better starve free than be a fat slave. 挨饿而拥有自由,胜过饱食终日的奴隶。Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow. 记住:切莫追逐幻影而丢失已有的东西。Clumsy jesting is no joke. 不得体的玩笑开不得。Cunning often outwits itself. 狡诈之徒爱自作聪明。Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruin. *的种子,如果不及时除掉,任其生长,那将后患无穷。Distrust interested advice. 莫信出于私心的建议。Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. 76小鸡没孵出来之前,别忙着去数数。;Do not trust flatterers. 今后,不要相信阿谀奉承者。Enemies promises were made to be broken. 敌人言而无信。Example is the best precept. 榜样是最好的教诲。Familiarity breeds contempt. 熟悉容易滋长轻慢。Fine clothes may disguise, but silly words will disclose a fool. 漂亮的外衣可以包装傻瓜,但蠢话总会露出马脚。Gratitude and greed go not together. 贪婪者绝不会有感恩图报之心。Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. 感激是灵魂高尚的标志。Greed often overreaches itself. 贪婪者常常自食其果。He that has many friends, has no friends. 朋友太多,等于没有朋友。He that is neither one thing nor the other has no friends. 没有立场的人是不会有朋友的。If you allow men to use you for your own purposes, they will use you for theirs. 如果你为了自己的目的允许别人利用你,那别人迟早也会为了他们自己的目的来利用你。Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten. 伤害可以被原谅,但不可以被遗忘。It is best to prepare for the days of necessity. 未雨绸缪,才能防患于未然。It is easie to get into the enemy's toils than out again. 逃出陷阱比掉入陷阱难之又难。It is easy to be brave from a safe distance. 明知无危险,偏要逞勇敢。It is easy to despise what you cannot get. 人们对于自己得不到的东西,就往往说它是不好的。It is easy to propose impossible remedies. 说说空话,是最容易不过的事了。It is foolish to give their enemy the means of destroying themselves. 把毁灭自己的工具送给敌人,是多么愚蠢的事啊!It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds. 仅仅凭借漂亮的羽毛,是不能成为高贵的鸟的。It is useless attacking the insensible. 攻击无知觉的东西是徒劳的。Kindness effects more than severity. 宽厚比严厉更管用。Little by little does the trick. 积少才能成多Little friends may prove great friends. 朋友虽小也能帮上大忙。Love can tame the wildest. 爱,可以驯服最狂野者。Men often applaud an imitation and hiss the real thing. 人们往往喜好模仿,嘲弄真实。Much outcry, little outcome. 巨大努力,收效甚微。Nature will out. 原形毕露。Neverbelieve a captive’s promise; that’s one thing. Then again: keep whatyou have. And a third piece of advice is: Sorrow not over what is lostforever. 第一,不要相信被俘者的许诺;第二,保住你所拥有的;第三,不要为永远失去的东西而悔恨不已。Never soar aloft on an enemy's pinions. 绝不能依靠敌人的翅膀而腾达。Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch. 千万不要相信在危急时刻离你而去的朋友。Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties. 窘困之人言,尤其不可信。No gratitude from the wicked. 恶人绝无感恩图报之心。Nothing escapes the master's eye. 一切的一切,都逃不过主人的眼睛。Obscurity often brings safety. 平庸无名,常能保住身家性命。One bad turn deserves another. 以怨报怨,以德报德。Only cowards insult dying majesty. 惟有胆小鬼才会羞辱行将就木的君子。Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth. 你看起来很美,遗憾的是你没有大脑。People often grudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves. 人们对于那些别人拥有而自己没法享用的东西,往往还有嫉妒之心。Please all, and you will please none. 要使人人者满意,结果人人都不满意Plodding wins the race. 不懈的爬得,也能赢得赛跑。Precious things are for those that can prize them. 好东西因被人们珍视而显得珍贵。Self-conceit may lead to self-destruction. 自负者最终走向自我毁灭。There is always someone worse off than yourself. 世上总有景况比自己更糟的人。The gods help them that help themselves. 自救者总有神助。The strong and the weak cannot keep company. 强者和弱者无法同行。Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart therefrom. 要教导孩子从小走正路,长大就不会走邪路。Union gives strength. 团结力量大。United we stand, divided we fall. 团结就是胜利,*必然失败。Vices are their own punishment. 恶有恶报。Wealth unused might as well not exist. 有钱不用,等于没有。
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