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谁能用 英文介绍一下 巴萨罗那 这个城市?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 16:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 07:33

  Spain famous seaside tourist cities, Spain's second largest city and largest port, Catalonia regional capital. Local governments will Catalan as an official language. 1990 Catalan is a recognized European languages, 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games as an official language had been used. Success of the 25th Olympic Games in 1992 to make it known world. Barcelona is located in the north-eastern Catalonia region of Spain in the Mediterranean coast, nearly 300 million people. Barcelona is the new City from the 19th onwards, the overall urban planning in the integrity of the programme based on the construction together. Planning neat broad streets, the neighbourhood into a square grid shape in each junction Department also Town Plaza (Placa). Traffic : Estacio de Barcelona-Sants Center Station, by train to Madrid to six and a half hours. Barcelona Airport Aeropuerto del Part (code BCN), 12 kilometres south-west of the city. International routes is usually in the a zones, domestic air routes in the B zone. There are trains available at the city center. Took about 30 minutes to 20 euros, 30-minute ride to the airport bus 3.3 euros.

  中心火车站Estacio de Barcelona-Sants,乘火车到马德里要6个半小时。
  巴塞罗那机场Aeropuerto del Prat(代码BCN),城西南12公里。国际航线通常在A区,国内航线在B区。有火车可到市中心。乘出租车要30分钟大约20欧元,乘机场BUS要30分钟3.3欧元。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 07:33

Spain famous seaside tourist cities, Spain's second largest city and largest port, Catalonia regional capital. Local governments will Catalan as an official language. 1990 Catalan is a recognized European languages, 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games as an official language had been used. Success of the 25th Olympic Games in 1992 to make it known world. Barcelona is located in the north-eastern Catalonia region of Spain in the Mediterranean coast, nearly 300 million people. Barcelona is the new City from the 19th onwards, the overall urban planning in the integrity of the programme based on the construction together. Planning neat broad streets, the neighbourhood into a square grid shape in each junction Department also Town Plaza (Placa). Traffic : Estacio de Barcelona-Sants Center Station, by train to Madrid to six and a half hours. Barcelona Airport Aeropuerto del Part (code BCN), 12 kilometres south-west of the city. International routes is usually in the a zones, domestic air routes in the B zone. There are trains available at the city center. Took about 30 minutes to 20 euros, 30-minute ride to the airport bus 3.3 euros.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 07:34


热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 07:34


热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 07:35

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