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What is your idea of fasshion and what do you think is reallyn in fashion?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 09:20



热心网友 时间:2024-02-05 13:38

Fashion is something you buy to make yourself appear to be part of a group. The term is usually applied to the latest trend and buying it implies you are trendy and up to date.

As you get older I find keeping up to date gets harder because you can remember how much people laughed at what is the latest fashion last time it stopped being fashionable - flares and stripey men's shirts are just two things which fit this category for me. Leg warmers are probably a good example in women's fashion - everyone had to have them, but now no one knows why or wants to admit to it.

Fashion also gives rise to the idea of anti-fashion. The deliberate wearing of things that aren't fashionable (this is of course a kind of fashion just not one aimed at being trendy) so for example undertakers don't wear fashionable clothes but wear clothes that mark them out as being part of a particular group

I am from America, hope this helps!
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