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Dolly Parton的《go to hell》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-10 10:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 04:14

歌曲名:go to hell
歌手:Dolly Parton
专辑:for god and country

Go to Hell, go to Hell, go back where you belong
Get thee behind me Satan, just leave me the Hell alone
Take your wars and your politics, your lust and your greed
And go to Hell in a handbasket 'cause heaven waits for me
Go to Hell, go to Hell, go back where you belong
Get thee behind me Satan, just leave me alone
You're a cheat, you're a liar, you're a scoundrel and a thief
Go to Hell in a handbasket 'cause heaven waits for me
Go to Hell, go to Hell, go to Hell, go to Hell
Go to Hell in a handbasket 'cause heaven waits for me
Oh I tried hard to conquer my fears and my doubts
But everywhere I turn I see your evil doin's all about
I have suffered your sorrow, your heartache and grief
You keep dealing me a bad hand with a trick card up your sleeve
Go to Hell, go to Hell, go back where you belong
Get thee behind me Satan, just leave me alone
Take all of your bad guys, your demons and flee
Go to Hell in a handbasket, heaven's calling me
Go to Hell, go to Hell, go to Hell, go to Hell
Go to Hell in a handbasket 'cause heaven waits for me
Oh, I know I'm no angel, but I'm better than that
And God is still my hero, and he can knock you flat
There is nothing but sorrow in that wicked place that you dwell
Take your pain and your misery and go straight to Hell
Go to Hell, go to Hell, go back where you belong
Get thee behind me Satan, just leave me alone
Take your drugs and your alcohol, your vices and leave
Go to Hell in a handbasket, just get away from me
Go to Hell (go to Hell), go to Hell (go to Hell)
Go to Hell in a handbasket 'cause heaven waits for me
My brothers and my sisters (ah)
I'm here to tell you that Satan is real (ah)
He is real and walking around amongst us trying to destroy everything that's good and beautiful (ah)
He wants to break our hearts and minds (ah)
Destroy our dreams and plans (ah)
He wants to tear us up in little pieces, break us down and send us straight to Hell (Oh, my God)
Ah-ha, you said a mouthful brother
Oh, my God. Oh, my God can do anything (ah)
My God can heal the sick (ah)
Mend broken hearts and take our souls to heaven (ah)
So Satan, listen up (ah)
In God's name I rebuke you (ah)
I stand up in his name, look you in the eye and laugh in your ugly face (ha, ha, ha)
Go to Hell, go to Hell, go back where you belong
Get thee behind me Satan, just leave me alone
Take your weapons of mass destruction, terror and sleaze
Go to Hell with your corruption, just get away from me
Go to Hell, go to Hell, go to Hell, go to Hell
Go to Hell in a handbasket 'cause heaven waits for me
Go to Hell, go to Hell, go to Hell, go to Hell
Go to Hell in a handbasket 'cause heaven waits for me
Go to Hell in a handbasket, heaven's calling me
Heaven, heaven waits for me, so go to Hell
Oh, my brothers and my sisters (ah)
God can deliver us from Satan's evil grip
Satan, listen to me, my Father in Heaven can kick your astronomical ego right back to the pits of Hell (ah)
Can I get an amen on that one?
Oh, hallelujah. Oh, Satan, you ol' devil you
God can flatten you like a Sunday morning pancake (ah)
Can I get a hallelujah on that one?
Oh, ain't it so, ain't it so?
Don't you love it, don't you love it?
Satan, you can go to Hell

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