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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 10:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 22:59

阿诺·施瓦辛格经典电影《过关斩将》片尾曲是《Restless Heart》。
歌曲:Restless Heart

专辑:Letter To America
歌手:John Parr

This is no game, standing in the dark, I swear I heard you calling my name
And I knew things had changed

No pain no gain
Something in your eyes just told me that this nightmare would end
And I had found a friend

Shout it from the highest steeple, let it out to all the people
Play it on the loudest speaker, burnin like the highest fever
You hit the right spot

No more lonely nights, with a restless heart
Roll the dice, make a brand new start
When the world you knew got shattered, you and me were all that mattered
Just one way Im gonna lose this restless heart, running away with you

Human again, I take you in my arms and hold you till the fear is all gone
And now the race is won

Shout it from the highest steeple, let it out to all the people
Scream it on the loudest speaker, burnin like the highest fever
You hit the right spot

No more lonely nights, with a restless heart
Roll the dice, make a brand new start
When the world you knew got shattered, you and me were all that mattered
Just one way Im gonna lose this restless heart, running away with you

Theres a new horizon that were both heading to
Its out there in the distance, and its playin our tune, runnin away

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 23:00

<running away with you>


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