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James Blunt的《Superstar》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 08:54



热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 00:11

歌手:James Blunt
专辑:《Some Kind Of Trouble》

There is an empty space in the chair tonight
Cause he don't feel right
There are stormclouds brewing at the back of his mind
As he steps outside
He will be twenty in a week
But he's old for his years
He's had many of those
To confront his own fears

But his father's not the man he'd like to grow up to be
And his mother isn't growing old gracefully
He says times like these I don't want to be a superstar
Cause reality tv killed them all in america
Oh the sun always shines in a magazine
Tonight can we be free to be who we really are
There is an empty space between the lines tonight
And it burns so bright
And the angry silence that he throws on the floor
Says he don't care anymore
He had money for the truth
But love's a lot more

And the answer's is not the one he was looking for
His father's not the man he'd like to grow up to be
And his mother is his mother reluctantly
He says times like these I don't want to be a superstar
Cause reality tv killed them all in america
Oh the sun always shines in a magazine
Tonight can we be free to be who we really are

He says times like these I don't want to be a superstar
Cause reality tv killed them all in america
Oh the sun always shines in a magazine
Tonight can we be free to be who we really are
He says times like these I don't want to be a superstar
Cause reality tv killed them all in america
Oh the sun always shines in a magazine
Tonight can we be free to be who we really are

热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 00:11

歌手:James Blunt
专辑:Some Kind Of Trouble

james blunt
There is an empty space in the chair tonight
Cause he don't feel right
There are stormclouds brewing at the back of his mind
As he steps outside
He will be twenty in a week
But he's old for his years
He's had many of those
To confront his own fears
But his father's not the man he'd like to grow up to be
And his mother isn't growing old gracefully
He says times like these I don't want to be a superstar
Cause reality tv killed them all in america
Oh the sun always shines in a magazine
Tonight can we be free to be who we really are
There is an empty space between the lines tonight
And it burns so bright
And the angry silence that he throws on the floor
Says he don't care anymore
He had money for the truth
But love's a lot more
And the answer's is not the one he was looking for
His father's not the man he'd like to grow up to be
And his mother is his mother reluctantly
He says times like these I don't want to be a superstar
Cause reality tv killed them all in america
Oh the sun always shines in a magazine
Tonight can we be free to be who we really are
He says times like these I don't want to be a superstar
Cause reality tv killed them all in america
Oh the sun always shines in a magazine
Tonight can we be free to be who we really are
He says times like these I don't want to be a superstar
Cause reality tv killed them all in america
Oh the sun always shines in a magazine
Tonight can we be free to be who we really are

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