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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-11 18:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 23:58

摘要Love you, my teacher. You like a match, lit the light, at the expense of their own; you like a pencil, access to knowledge, worn on their own; you like Sassafras, get rid of the error, the oneself. Would you like a trainer, let me like you second soar to great heights; mother, let me carefree and content. Love you, my teacher."You dont have a job, how do you work? This powerful and solemn words left a mark in my heart. Once, I was not able to hold the book to the office because of my homework. After class, you called me to the office, I fear has taken a step by step, for fear you would fly into a rage, but you carefully told me a lot, and then, without saying a word. Your deep eyes, let me be afraid.Love you, my teacher.咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-17能把老师感动哭的英语作文+猜猜她是谁同学,作文内容如下哦Love you, my teacher. You like a match, lit the light, at the expense of their own; you like a pencil, access to knowledge, worn on their own; you like Sassafras, get rid of the error, the oneself. Would you like a trainer, let me like you second soar to great heights; mother, let me carefree and content. Love you, my teacher."You dont have a job, how do you work? This powerful and solemn words left a mark in my heart. Once, I was not able to hold the book to the office because of my homework. After class, you called me to the office, I fear has taken a step by step, for fear you would fly into a rage, but you carefully told me a lot, and then, without saying a word. Your deep eyes, let me be afraid.Love you, my teacher.
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