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发布网友 发布时间:18小时前



热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 06:37

20. I was having dinner when the phone rang.
21. Please take off your old coat and put on the new one.
22. When did this happen?
23. He went to the office to ask about the schele.
24. The train has left when we got to the station.
25. Do you mind my watching of Sports program?
26. I haven't finished that fashion megazine.
27. He left the village without telling me.
28. Tom and I are looking forward to seeing you soon.
29. People all over the world are watching Olympic Games on TV.
30. I heard that the game would be put off.
31. The gymnasium will be completed next year.
32. Be careful when you are crossing the road.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 06:37

(20) We are having supper when the phone rangs

(21) Please take off your old coat and put on the new one

(22) What time / when did this matter happen ?

(23) I went to his office to ask about the course schele

(24) When we arrived the railway station , the train had left

(25) Would you mind my watching sports programme ?

(26) I have not finished reading that fashionable magazine yet

(27) He has left the village without saying goodbye to me ( without saying a word )

(28) Tom and I are looking forwarding to see you earlier (very soon )

(29) The people all over the world are watching Olympic Games on TV

(30) I was told that this game would be put off

(31) This stadium will be completed next year

(32) Be careful when you walk across the street / road

(33) What has resulted in this traffic accident ( car accident )?

热心网友 时间:2024-12-14 06:38

(20) The cellphone rings when I'm having supper.
(21) Please take off your old coat and put on this new one.
(22) When did this happen ?
(23) He went to the office to ask about the course schele.
(24) When we arrived the railway station , the train had left.
(25) Would you mind if I watched the sports programme ?
(26) I have not finished reading that fashionable magazine yet
(27) He left the village without saying goodbye to me
(28) Tom and I are looking forwarding to see you earlier
(29) The people all over the world are watching Olympic Games on TV
(30) I heard this game would be put off .
(31) This stadium will be completed next year.
(32) Be careful when you walk across the road.
(33) What caused this traffic accident ( 或者car accident )?
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