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Dr. Gregory House言论

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 23:49



热心网友 时间:2024-11-20 01:40

Dr. Gregory House, a renowned physician known for his unorthodox approach to medicine, had a unique perspective on truth and human nature. In his view, "Everyone lies," suggesting that deception is a fundamental aspect of human communication. He believed that "Truth starts in lies," implying that even the pursuit of truth often begins with distorted or hidden truths.

Speaking about the body, House acknowledged that it is a vulnerable entity, "Our bodies break down, whether in old age or at birth, marking the inevitable decline with no room for dignity." However, he emphasized the importance of maintaining dignity in life's struggles, even if not in death. House's expertise extended to the brain's intricate connections, likening the interhemispheric nerve fibers to the George Washington Bridge, highlighting the critical role of the胼胝体.

When it came to diagnosing patients, House was acutely aware of the emotional dynamics at play. He differentiated between doctors and family members, stating that "emotions don't make us rational, hence the division of labor." He questioned the actions of those who crossed the line, such as giving medicine without medical knowledge, as it blurred the roles and responsibilities.

Love and hate, according to House, were separated by a formidable barrier, akin to the Great Wall of China, with strict boundaries maintained. He believed that treating illness was a doctor's primary duty, but the personal relationships with patients could be a source of misery.

Despite his blunt personality, House was acknowledged for his exceptional medical skills. Cuddy, the hospital's dean, acknowledged that his brilliance made him the best doctor, even if his methods were controversial. She refused to fire him, even at the cost of a patient's dissatisfaction.

Stacy, his former lover, appreciated his intellect, but also found in it a loneliness. She admired his unwavering confidence in his judgments, which often proved correct, but also lamented the emotional distance it created between them.


Dr. Gregory House 《豪斯医生》人物之一。

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