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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 15:52



热心网友 时间:2024-11-10 10:28

Dear Miss.Martin:
It's been a long time since we last talk.In fact, I'm really busy recently. As you know, I am in the university finally and for the past several days I'm totally involved in this whole new life as a freshman.
Almost every facearound is strange to me.They are from different provinces and cities, and we just meet as classmates,as roommates. We have different customs and habbits in the daily life. There are so much fun living with them and studying with them. In addition to the knowledge learned in class, I've got to know so many interesting things with those people. I'm sure I will make many new friends here.
Speaking of the campus, it's much bigger than high school. The scenery is so beautiful and we get a lot more free time than in high school to develop hobbies in a series of unions in school. My favorite place is the English corner and the Hiking Allian. I'm getting used to going to the corner to improve my English and hanging out with people in the Allian to enjoy oursevlves.
I 'm so exicited about this new life that I can even stop here, but as for now, I'm preparing a presentation, so I have to tell you more in the next email. Can't wait to share with you ! wish you have a good day too.
sincere Wang Peng
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