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...want...i want...一句没唱完就紧跟了下一句

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 20:31



热心网友 时间:2天前

keren ann 哪儿也不去 not going anywhere
Not Going Anywhere 【哪里都不去】

Singer:Keren Ann
Translated by 琉璃印月(QQ:88294331)

This is why I always wonder 【这就是为什么我总是感到奇怪】
I'm a pond full of regrets 【我是填满悔憾的小池】
I always try to not remember 【我总是试图不去记得】
rather than forget 【而不是忘却】

This is why I always whisper 【这就是为什么我总是低声细语】
When vagabonds are passing by 【当流浪儿经过的时候】
I tend to keep myself away from their goodbyes 【我试着让自己远离他们的告别】

Tide will rise and fall along the bay 【潮汐沿着海湾时起时落】
and I'm not going anywhere 【而我哪里都不去】
I'm not going anywhere 【我哪里都不去】
People come and go and walk away 【人们来来往往又奔向远方】
but I'm not going anywhere 【而我哪里都不去】
I'm not going anywhere 【我哪里都不去】

This is why I always whisper 【这就是为什么我总是轻声细语】
I'm a river with a spell 【我是带着魔力的小河】
I like to hear but not to listen, 【我喜欢聆听而不是闻说】
I like to say but not to tell 【我喜欢倾吐而不是讲述】

This is why I always wonder 【这就是为什么我总是感到奇怪】
There's nothing new under the sun 【阳光下没有一点新鲜的事物】
I won't go anywhere 【我哪里都不去】
so give my love to everyone 【于是将我的爱给每一个人】

Tide will rise and fall along the bay 【潮汐沿着海湾时起时落】
and I'm not going anywhere 【而我哪里都不去】
I'm not going anywhere 【我哪里都不去】
People come and go and walk away 【人们来来往往又奔向远方】
but I'm not going anywhere 【而我哪里都不去】
I'm not going anywhere 【我哪里都不去】

Translated by 琉璃印月

Tide will rise and fall along the bay 【潮汐沿着海湾时起时落】
and I'm not going anywhere 【而我哪里都不去】
I'm not going anywhere 【我哪里都不去】
they come and go and walk away 【他们来来往往又奔向远方】
but I'm not going anywhere 【而我哪里都不去】
I'm not going anywhere 【我哪里都不去】
they come and go and walk away 【他们来来往往又奔向远方】
but I'm not going anywhere 【而我哪里都不去】
I'm not going anywhere 【我哪里都不去】


热心网友 时间:2天前

《pretty boy》M2M 的,相当好听!

热心网友 时间:2天前

我知道杰西 麦卡尼 有一首开始就是 不过是男的 i wanner

热心网友 时间:2天前


热心网友 时间:2天前

I don’t want to say goodbye(电影《断背山》主题歌)

I don't want to say goodbye
Let the stars shine through.
I don't want to say goodbye
All I want to do is love with you.
Just like the light of the morning
After the darkness has gone
The shadow of my love is falling
On a place where the sun always shone.
Don't you know that's where our hearts both belong?
'Cause I don't want to say goodbye
Let the stars shine through
No, I don't want to say goodbye
All I want to do is love with you
Together our two hearts are strong
Don't you know know that's where our hearts both belong?
'Cause I don't want to say goodbye
Let the stars shine through
I don't want to say goodbye
All I want to do is love with you
All I want to do is love with you

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