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求精准英文翻译 不要在线翻译器翻译的

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-22 02:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 12:27

Swiss Army knife from the appearance point of view as a fruit knife, but its perfect design, sophisticated processing, and ten kinds of functions, there are attractive, his fame the world. Most Swiss people think, Swiss Army knife more began in the symbolic role of switzerland. Swiss Army knife which has a ball point pen, toothpicks, scissors, a flat screwdriver, can opener, screwdriver, tweezers and other tools. Convenient and handy

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 12:34

Schweizer Messer looks like a normal fruit knife, but with perfect design and skillful machining. It is globally famous for the multi-functions and attracts many fans. Most Swiss take Schweizer Messer as symble of their country. With ballpen, tooth pick, scissor, knife, bottle opener, screw driver and tweezers planted, Schweizer Messer is a very convenient and portable.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 12:30

Swiss Army knife from the appearance point of view as a fruit knife, but its perfect design, sophisticated processing, and ten kinds of functions, there are attractive, his fame the world. Most Swiss people think that Swiss Army knife more began in the symbolic role of switzerland. Swiss Army knife which has a ball point pen, toothpicks, scissors, a flat screwdriver, can opener, screwdriver, tweezers and other tools. Convenient and handy

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 12:33

Swiss Army knife from the appearance point of view as a fruit knife, but its perfect design, sophisticated processing, and ten kinds of functions, there are attractive, his fame the world. Most Swiss people think, Swiss Army knife more began in the symbolic role of switzerland. Swiss Army knife which has a ball point pen, toothpicks, scissors, a flat screwdriver, can opener, screwdriver, tweezers and other tools. Convenient and handy

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 12:31

Swiss Army knife from the appearance point of view as a fruit knife, but its perfect design, sophisticated processing, and ten kinds of functions, there are attractive, his fame the world. Most Swiss people think that Swiss Army knife more began in the symbolic role of switzerland. Swiss Army knife which has a ball point pen, toothpicks, scissors, a flat screwdriver, can opener, screwdriver, tweezers and other tools. Convenient and handy

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 12:31

Schweizer Messer looks like a normal fruit knife, but with perfect design and skillful machining. It is globally famous for the multi-functions and attracts many fans. Most Swiss take Schweizer Messer as symble of their country. With ballpen, tooth pick, scissor, knife, bottle opener, screw driver and tweezers planted, Schweizer Messer is a very convenient and portable.
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