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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 15:57



热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 05:53

The two happiest days in a week is Saturday and Sunday, and I hope to spend it in a very special way. I like writing, and I would rather spend a whole day to tidy up interesting things have happened in the latest week and write them into my blogs, for example, successful tricks on one of my good friends. The other day I would rather give a small relax to myself, such as sleeping for a whole day and playing crazily with my best friends. While grown up graally, each of my weekend would be forgotten and memorized in my blogs. When I am unhappy, I will read them thus my mood will be better. This is a weekend belong to myself and I am looking forward them every week.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 05:53

The happiest days a week is Saturday and Sunday, I hope with very special way to spend. I prefer writing, I'm willing to spend the time of day finishing this week the interesting things happened, then will they write my Blog. Such as successful played a trick on one of my good friends. Another day I'd give her small relax, such as sleep all day sleep or outside and best friend crazy all day. Slowly grew up, my every weekend are not forgotten, and are recorded on my Blog. Not happy when you look, this Blog I feel a lot better. This is a belong to my own weekend, a let me every week to expect of the weekend.
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