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Purdue University著名校友

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 02:58



热心网友 时间:2024-11-10 03:37

Purdue University has a long list of distinguished alumni who have made significant contributions in various fields. Edward Mills Purcell, a 1952 Nobel laureate in Physics, holds both bachelor's and master's degrees in Electrical Engineering from the university. Similarly, Benjamin Roy Mottelson, a 1975 Nobel laureate, graduated with a physics degree in 1947.

Herbert C. Brown, the 1979 Nobel laureate in Chemistry, spent over four decades as a professor in the chemistry department. Julian S. Schwinger, a 1965 Nobel laureate, was also a former professor at Purdue, contributing to the world of physics. In economics, Vernon Smith, a 2002 Nobel laureate, earned an honorary doctorate and taught at the Krannert College, where he kick-started his academic career.

Nelson Alden "Neil" Armstrong, the first man on the moon, completed his Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering in 1955. Ward Cunningham, the father of Wikipedia, holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Purdue. Notable political figures like Chen Tung-han, a former legislator and diplomat, earned his Earth Physics PhD in 1972.

Academic giants like nuclear physicist and "two-weapon" hero of China,邓稼先, obtained his physics PhD in 1950, and engineers like Wang Bu-xuan and Li Guojie, both renowned academicians, graduated from Purdue's mechanical and computer science programs.

Other exceptional Purdue alumni include rocket and missile expert Liang Si-lich, computer science leaders such as Li Guojie and Zhū Bo-yǒng, and pioneers like Elwood Mead, Robert Forney, Charles Ellis, and Reginald Fessenden, who revolutionized their respective fields.

The university also boasts of exceptional achievements in science and technology, with scientists like Fu Jing-sun and Roscoe George making groundbreaking contributions in their fields.英雄飞行员Chesley B. Sullenberger III, who successfully landed a plane on the Hudson River, holds a master's degree in industrial and organizational psychology from Purdue.
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