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大神们, 帮忙把下面文字翻译成英文吧! 急~~~ 机器君就算了 多谢啊 O...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-29 20:10



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 20:07

Enterprise information is a revolution, and improve enterprise management level, operational mechanism, and enhance market competitiveness, enhance economic efficiency have realistic and far-reaching significance, the level of enterprise information for evaluation, not only conducive to promotingenterprise information, and can indicate the right direction for information technology for the enterprise. However, the evaluation of the level of enterprise information is a very complex system engineering, their targets and more complex data, calculate the volume manual up considerable difficulty.
To reduce the evaluation of the workload and improve work efficiency, thus promoting the effective conduct of the enterprise information technology evaluation work. I designed a computerized level of enterprise information evaluation software, the system uses PowerBuilder9.0 development, database established ASA database by PowerBuilder9.0 comes. Key features include the following four areas: system management, evaluation of the level of enterprise information, social statistics, and government monitoring. System management for system administrators to manage different user information, including add, delete, or modify account information; evaluation of the level of enterprise information is the core of the system, business users can calculate the level of information according to the built-in evaluation scores, so that policy makers recognize that the weak links in which the implementation of information technology, and thus lay the foundation for the smooth implementation of the information technology; social statistics and government monitoring of the two major characteristics of the system, the Census and Statistics department through the different types of graphical display window to view different regions, different industries, different nature of the enterprises the level of information distribution; government business sector through general inquiries, fuzzy query or precise queries to understand the level of information.
The system to ensure that the page clean, user-friendly premise, the maximum simplify the steps to reduce the calculation workload and improve work efficiency. Shows that this system to carry out the level of enterprise information on the present evaluation work has an unparalleled role

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 20:02

Enterprise informatization is a revolution which has realistic and far-reaching significance to improving enterprise management level, tranforming operational mechanism and enhancing market competitiveness and economic efficiency, etc. To evauate the level of enterprise informatization is not only conducive to promote enterprise informatization, but also helpful in indicating the right direction of information technology for the enterprise. However, the evaluation of enterprise informatization level is a very complex system with vast index, complex data and enormous calculation, which is rather difficult for manual operation.
To reduce the workload of evaluation and improve work efficiency, thus promoting the effective implementation of the enterprise informatization evaluation, I've designed a computerized software for evaluating enterprise informatization level. The system is developed on PowerBuilder9.0 with its database set up from ASA database provided by PowerBuilder9.0. Its main functions include the following four: system management, evaluation of enterprise informatization level, social statistics, and government monitoring. System management is used by system administrators to manage different user information, including add, delete, or modify account information; evaluation of enterprise informatization level is the core of the system, business users can calculate the informatization level scores according to the built-in evaluation index so that decision-makers can recognize what the weak points are in implementing informatization, thus laying the foundation for the smooth implementation of the informatization; social statistics and government monitoring are the two major characteristics of the system, the Government Census and Statistics department can view the different informatization levels of distinct enterprises of different industries in diverse regions through different types of graphical display windows; government department of commerce and administration will know the enterprise informatization level by general inquiries, fuzzy query or precise queries.
On the premise of ensuring the clean page and strong user friendliness, the system simplifies operation steps to the maximum, reducing the calculation workload and improving work efficiency. It shows that this system plays an unparalleled role in carrying out evaluation of the enterprise informatization level at the present stage in China.
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