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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 15:45



热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:09

1,What present shall I buy for my mother's birthday?
2, Why not a camera for your Papa?
3, I think it's too expensive.
4,How about a scarf as LiLi's birthday present?
I think you may buy a acarf as LiLi's birthday present.
5,What is the best present that you have ever got?
6,What is the best present that Joe have ever got?
7,I received the present at five o'clock Pm.
8,Mary, who sent him a watch as a present?
9,As to a six-year-old boy's pet, I think dog is a nice choice.
10,Parrot is a most extraordinary pet.
11,The proper pet for a six-year-old boy is a puppy.
12,It is very difficult to look after a puppy.
13,People are different from each other as to their satisfying presents.
14,I will make a special meal for Mum.
15,Why don't you like to learn singing English songs?
16.I am obsessed with English learning.
17,I would like to learn English by all kinds of different means.
18,Why not form the habit of listenning to English songs?
Ps:抛砖引玉Throw out a brick to attract a jade。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:09

what should i buy my mom for her birthday?
why don't you buy a camera for your dad?
that's too expensive for me
in my opinion,you can buy a scarf/i think you can buy a scarf
what's the best gift you have ever received?
what's the best gift joe has received?
i received the gift at xxx
who gave mary a watch?
i think dog is an excellent pet for a six-year-old child
parrots are unusual pets
dogs are suitable for a six-year-old boy
dogs are difficult to take care of

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:10

what should i buy my mom for her birthday?
why don't you buy a camera for your dad?
that's too expensive for me
in my opinion,you can buy a scarf/i think you can buy a scarf
what's the best gift you have ever received?
what's the best gift joe has received?
i received the gift at xxx
who gave mary a watch?
i think dog is an excellent pet for a six-year-old child
parrots are unusual pets
dogs are suitable for a six-year-old boy
dogs are difficult to take care of
different people have different preference for the gifts
i am going to serve a special dishes for my mom

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:10


热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:09

1,What present shall I buy for my mother's birthday?
2, Why not a camera for your Papa?
3, I think it's too expensive.
4,How about a scarf as LiLi's birthday present?
I think you may buy a acarf as LiLi's birthday present.
5,What is the best present that you have ever got?
6,What is the best present that Joe have ever got?
7,I received the present at five o'clock Pm.
8,Mary, who sent him a watch as a present?
9,As to a six-year-old boy's pet, I think dog is a nice choice.
10,Parrot is a most extraordinary pet.
11,The proper pet for a six-year-old boy is a puppy.
12,It is very difficult to look after a puppy.
13,People are different from each other as to their satisfying presents.
14,I will make a special meal for Mum.
15,Why don't you like to learn singing English songs?
16.I am obsessed with English learning.
17,I would like to learn English by all kinds of different means.
18,Why not form the habit of listenning to English songs?
Ps:抛砖引玉Throw out a brick to attract a jade。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:09

what should i buy my mom for her birthday?
why don't you buy a camera for your dad?
that's too expensive for me
in my opinion,you can buy a scarf/i think you can buy a scarf
what's the best gift you have ever received?
what's the best gift joe has received?
i received the gift at xxx
who gave mary a watch?
i think dog is an excellent pet for a six-year-old child
parrots are unusual pets
dogs are suitable for a six-year-old boy
dogs are difficult to take care of

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:10

what should i buy my mom for her birthday?
why don't you buy a camera for your dad?
that's too expensive for me
in my opinion,you can buy a scarf/i think you can buy a scarf
what's the best gift you have ever received?
what's the best gift joe has received?
i received the gift at xxx
who gave mary a watch?
i think dog is an excellent pet for a six-year-old child
parrots are unusual pets
dogs are suitable for a six-year-old boy
dogs are difficult to take care of
different people have different preference for the gifts
i am going to serve a special dishes for my mom

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:10


热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:09

1,What present shall I buy for my mother's birthday?
2, Why not a camera for your Papa?
3, I think it's too expensive.
4,How about a scarf as LiLi's birthday present?
I think you may buy a acarf as LiLi's birthday present.
5,What is the best present that you have ever got?
6,What is the best present that Joe have ever got?
7,I received the present at five o'clock Pm.
8,Mary, who sent him a watch as a present?
9,As to a six-year-old boy's pet, I think dog is a nice choice.
10,Parrot is a most extraordinary pet.
11,The proper pet for a six-year-old boy is a puppy.
12,It is very difficult to look after a puppy.
13,People are different from each other as to their satisfying presents.
14,I will make a special meal for Mum.
15,Why don't you like to learn singing English songs?
16.I am obsessed with English learning.
17,I would like to learn English by all kinds of different means.
18,Why not form the habit of listenning to English songs?
Ps:抛砖引玉Throw out a brick to attract a jade。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:09

what should i buy my mom for her birthday?
why don't you buy a camera for your dad?
that's too expensive for me
in my opinion,you can buy a scarf/i think you can buy a scarf
what's the best gift you have ever received?
what's the best gift joe has received?
i received the gift at xxx
who gave mary a watch?
i think dog is an excellent pet for a six-year-old child
parrots are unusual pets
dogs are suitable for a six-year-old boy
dogs are difficult to take care of

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:10

what should i buy my mom for her birthday?
why don't you buy a camera for your dad?
that's too expensive for me
in my opinion,you can buy a scarf/i think you can buy a scarf
what's the best gift you have ever received?
what's the best gift joe has received?
i received the gift at xxx
who gave mary a watch?
i think dog is an excellent pet for a six-year-old child
parrots are unusual pets
dogs are suitable for a six-year-old boy
dogs are difficult to take care of
different people have different preference for the gifts
i am going to serve a special dishes for my mom

热心网友 时间:2023-11-05 22:10

企业培训学到了什么 培训感悟简短 有关培训的感悟 通过培训学到什么 培训你学到了什么 领导问培训学到什么怎么回复 Linux系统安装FTP服务器 Linux系统的网络文件共享 建筑的七盏明灯的内容简介 面向对象设计七大原则 简单说 交互设计七大定律 情景交际是什么 交通事故死亡的赔偿标准是什么 你喜欢哪种交通方式情景交际4人 为什么说人丑都说“丑得跟八万似的”??? 这个“八万”到底是什么意思?源自什么书或者什么典故 你知道哪些关于选贤任能原则的知识? 英语对话考试 问路 选人用人的六个原则是什么? 选人用人的标准和原则是怎么样的? 领导用人的主要原则 领导者在用人过程中应坚持的原则主要有哪些 公司的用人原则是 选人用人的标准和原则是怎样的? 陶艺展厅设计说明 用人原则是什么? 选人原则是什么? 有谁知中式风格展厅设计说明怎么写 用人的原则是什么? 现代简约风格美术展厅设计说明 用人的基本原则是什么呢? 选人用人的标准和原则 谁有关于初一月亮作文,;急急急,! 广东话八万是啥意思? 谁有关于初一关于月亮的想象加议论的600字作文? 碰到还不是很熟悉的人,你可以这么问候(英语情景交际)? 和男朋友分手女生打了一张八万出来是什么意思 小鸡八万白板是什么意思 初中英语情景交际! 在线等,求解。英语高手速来~ 月亮为题作文310字(月亮寄托了人们哪些情感)七年级三单元作文,快 八八万是什么意思?是古代文言文吗? 八八万代表什么? 初一到十五月亮作文怎样想? 关于月亮的想象作文。 淘宝卖家发错货怎么办 淘宝上面买东西店主发货给我发错了怎么办 昨晚做了一个很可怕的梦,梦见男朋友被他的高中同学骗去广西做传销,后来还差点死了。 简答题: 1、简述数据、数据库和数据库管理系统。 2、什么是数据模型及其要素? 3、简述实体联系模型(E-R 周公解梦几个人拿刀子逼我参加传销、 昨天去面试,昨晚就梦到传销组织*我加入,并且梦到有很多伙伴,我看到一条蛇盘着,并且提醒离蛇最近的人 解梦在一个水塘里有很多蟒蛇在游,有个人急着赶路,被蟒蛇追,大家一起来抓蟒蛇,然后用扎刀斩蟒蛇头 梦见看到一条大蟒蛇被人斩断了 梦见许多的蛇有个人把蛇全部杀死了