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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 15:12



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 11:22

人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远

Men at their birth, are naturally good.



英语译成汉语时,主语Men 与 at their birth 合起来一起译,起状语的作用;而 naturally 原为副词起状语的作用,倒变成了名词作为主语来用。这种翻译手法在翻译技巧中称为“转换”Conversion。括号里的词语(本来)(都)是为了符合目标语的行文习惯或译出原文中隐藏的意思另加进去的。这称为“增益”Amplification,也是一种重要的翻译技巧。

Their natures are much the same; 他们的天性也都相差不多,

their habits become widely different. (只是后天所处的环境不同和所受的教育程度不同),(彼此的)理性才形成了差别。


苟不教 性乃迁 教之道 贵以专

If foolishly there is no teaching, the nature will deteriorate.


The right way in teaching is to attach the utmost importance in thoroughness.




昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼

Of old, the mother of Mencius chose a neighborhood


and when her child would not learn, she broke the shuttle from the loom.


窦燕山 有义方 教五子 名俱扬

Tou of the Swallow Hills had the right method


He taught five son, each of whom raised the family reputation.


养不教 父之过 教不严 师之惰

To feed without teaching, is the father's fault.

( 生养了)子女(却)不加以教诲,(这是)做父亲的过错。

To teach without severity, is the teacher's laziness.


子不学 非所宜 幼不学 老何为

If the child does not learn, this is not as it should be.



括号里的内容是增益.This=从社会发展角度讲If he does not learn while young, what will he be when old ? 如果一个人在年少的时候不读书不学习,那么到老的时候还能有所作为吗?

讲解:在“while young”及“ when old ”之间省略了he is。这种翻译技巧称为“省略法”。在有些从句中可以省略句中的主语及be 动词。在译成另一种语言时往往把含义补回来。我们不妨可以“增益”一下。

玉不琢 不成器 人不学 不知义

If jade is not polished, it cannot become a thing of use.



If a man does not learn, he cannot know his ty towards his neighbor.


为人子 方少时 亲师友 习礼仪

He who is the son of a man, when he is young, should attach himself to his teachers and friends; and practise ceremonial usages.




香九龄 能温席 孝於亲 所当执

Hsiang, at nine years of age, could warm (his parent's) bed.



Filial piety towards parents, is that to which we should hold fast. 孝敬父母,就是我们应当向黄香学习的思想品德。


融四岁 能让梨 弟於长 宜先知

Jung, at four years of age, could yield the (bigger) pears.


To behave as a younger brother towards elders, is one of the first things to know.




首孝弟 次见闻 知某数 识某文

Begin with filial piety and fraternal love, and then see and hear . 人生的首要大事是孝敬父母,尊敬兄长,其次是多实践于天下大事,博闻古今之理。

Learn to count, and learn to read. 知晓数理之道,通解古今圣贤之识。

一而十 十而百 百而千 千而万

units and tens, then tens and hundreds, hundreds and thousands, thousands and then tens of thousands.


三才者 天地人 三光者 日月星

The three forces, are heaven, earth and man.

The three luminaries, are the sun, the moon and the stars.

三纲者 君臣义 父子亲 夫妇顺

The three bonds, are the obligation between sovereign and subject, the love between father and child, the harmony between husband and wife.

曰春夏 曰秋冬 此四时 运不穷

We speak of spring and summer, we speak of autumn and winter,

These four seasons, revolve without ceasing.

曰南北 曰西东 此四方 应乎中

We speak of North and South, we speak of East and West,

These four points, respond to the requirements of the centre.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 11:23

Men at their birth, are naturally good.

If foolishly there is no teaching, the nature will deteriorate.

The right way in teaching is to attach the utmost importance in thoroughness.

Of old, the mother of Mencius chose a neighborhood

and when her child would not learn, she broke the shuttle from the loom.

Tou of the Swallow Hills had the right method

He taught five son, each of whom raised the family reputation.

To feed without teaching, is the father's fault.

To teach without severity, is the teacher's laziness.

If the child does not learn, this is not as it should be.

If jade is not polished, it cannot become a thing of use.

If a man does not learn, he cannot know his ty towards his neighbor.

He who is the son of a man, when he is young, should attach himself to his teachers and friends; and practise ceremonial usages.

Hsiang, at nine years of age, could warm (his parent's) bed.

Jung, at four years of age, could yield the (bigger) pears.

To behave as a younger brother towards elders, is one of the first things to know.

Begin with filial piety and fraternal love, and then see and hear .

Learn to count, and learn to read.

units and tens, then tens and hundreds, hundreds and thousands, thousands and then tens of thousands.

The three forces, are heaven, earth and man.

The three luminaries, are the sun, the moon and the stars.

The three bonds, are the obligation between sovereign and subject, the love between father and child, the harmony between husband and wife.

We speak of spring and summer, we speak of autumn and winter,

These four seasons, revolve without ceasing.

We speak of North and South, we speak of East and West,

These four points, respond to the requirements of the centre.
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