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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-07 15:18



热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 11:57

Manufacturing process elucidation
Explain the most in common use 迭 in mass proction circuit board to match mode and press to match equipments mode.
Work contents
When circuit board 迭 matched can't be the single slice presses a cooperation instry, but many tired 迭 appearances of slice.Between the circuit board and the circuit board, for the sake of the neat of the assurance circuit board, all jointly with hour 迭 go into mirror noodles coin, at heap coping and bottom of the 栈 , will plus buffer mat or leather paper generally and, 荠 with even and whole pressure, decelerate to transmit heat an even degree of promoting the heating in the meantime.In the process of pressing to match, the machine structure been often used most is a so-called"hydraulic-pneumatic type" heat to press machine.At when the resin be pressed to be subjected to heat, resin would because of is pressed with the appearance of hot 熔 but to on all sides jostle, through this process completion layer of sticky match with crevice of fill.The therefore general 迭 closes a side with underneath of copper skin size, all would big the circuit board is many, in order to prevent coin and machine that resin result in when outflowing pollute.Design in the design of the resin and the line type of the circuit board in the meantime, also all would resin of the fluxion mold 态 make an appropriate design and the consideration.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 11:58

Note way system
Huge circuit board proction of the most commonly used models and Diez Hopewell Pressing equipment models.
Diez timely circuit board is not monolithic ballast cooperation, but more films tired Diez state. The circuit boards and circuit boards, in order to ensure the formation of circuit boards, will also Diez copper mirror into the stack top and bottom, the general added cushion or kraft paper, water chestnut uniform to the overall pressure and slow heat for heating uniformity. Pressing in the process, the most common use of the mechanical structure of the so-called "hydraulic" presser. Heat stress in the resin, the resin because of the pressure and heat around the state to push through the completion of the process of bonding layer and the gap filled. It is generally a touch of Diez and down the basalt size, it will be many circuit boards to prevent the outflow of resin caused by copper and mechanical pollution. At the same time the resin circuit board design and the linear design, but also will make the flow of resin modal appropriate for the design and consideration.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 11:58


热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 11:59


热心网友 时间:2022-06-30 12:00

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