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Green Book 全部台词1

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-17 19:45



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 04:16

Hello New York! I'm Bobby Rydell. I'm glad to be here.

Thank you all for coming to see us tonight. It's Saturday night in the Copa!

We think that we're gonna have a great time tonight.

We're gonna do our best to make sure of that.

As always a very special thanks to Mr. Jules Podell for having us out.

Let's get started.

Hello sweetheart.

Here is my coat.

And you see this here hat?

I want you to guard it with your life.

It was a gift from my mother. Yes, Mr. Loscudo. That's for you.

Thank you sir.


- Hey Carmine! How are you pal? - Good to see you.

Oh thank you! That's unnecessary.

Come on! Let's go. On the album.

I saw this kid Bobby Rydell two and a half years ago in South Philly. Nobody knew who he was. They know now.


Gimme Loscudo's hat.

- But he said to guard it... - I know, I heard. Give it to me. A'right?

Tony Lip!

You put your hands on me, you punk? Do yourself a favor. Go home with your friends.

You don't tell me where to go! Do you know who I am?! I'm goin' back in there!

You tell Jules Lipobdell. If I don't get my hat I'm gonna burn this joint down.

I swear to God it's gonna turn up.

Really? You tell that fat Jew bastard I don't get my hat I'll burn Copa down!

I'm gonna have to go back to driving garbage trucks.

Jesus Christ!

Screw those! He's out of his mind.

We earned our money tonight.

Lip, I thought you were gonna kill that guy.


Better him than me.

So... What are you gonna do while we're closed?

I don't know. Maybe go work at my Uncle's pizza joint.

- You? - I'm gonna drink for 2 months.

Take me home, Lip.

See you Carmine.

- No! You shouldn't. That shouldn't happen. - I don't wanna be a...

My hat!

Heard it was missing, so I looked into it.

- I wanted to kill that broad. - No. No. Wasn't her fault.

Who had the balls to clip Joey's hat?

- Don't worry about it, I took care of him. - Yeah! I hope you gave him some beating.

Here. Take this. Put it in your kick.

No. No thanks. It was a pleasure, Mr. Loscudo.

Bullshit! Take it.

And from now on, you don't call me Mr Loscude, ya hear me?

I'm your pal Joey.

Good morning.

Good night!

- Come on, Roger! Hit one out! - Johnny quite! You're gonna jinx it.

Hey Johnny, think you can yell a little louder?

- Maris is up. - Yeah, so am I now.

What the hell are you guys doing here?

We came over to give Dolores company.

Come on!

Come on Roger! Please!

- I'll walk you out. - Sure.

When did you get back to these board games? Come on!

Thank you so much!

We got it! We got it! Yeah!

Do it again. Let's do it again. Come on baby!

No! Tony, go get dressed. We're gonna eat.


No game seven. No game seven.

From thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.

And if anyone hears of a job for Tony, let us know.

- Dolor! Please. - What?

- What happened? Did you get fired? - No.

No, The Copa's closing for repairs. So he just needs something for a couple months.

All the people he knows, he'll find something in no time.

Oh. He had a great job at the sanitation department.

You shouldn't have punched out the foreman.

He shouldn't have woke me up.

That's Tony.

I'm tellin' you, this is gonna be the easiest fifty bucks you ever gonna made. - Yeah we'll see.

Hey! There they are.

Hi Johnny.

- Tony! - Hey Paulie. How you doing?

I'm good. I'm good. So, Johnny here tells me you ate forty-eight White Castle burgers all in one sitting.

Cheese burgers.

- You tell them Frankie. - I don't believe you.

What do I care if you believe me?

Hey Gorman.

- What's the record here for Hotdogs? - Eighteen. Fat Paulie.

- Why wasn't Lip in on that contest? - What contest? I was hungry.

Bet's simple. Half a C-note.

- Most hotdogs in an hour wins. - With toppings.

What the hell you weigh?

- Two sixty. - Aaaaay. Your left ass weighs two sixty.

May my mother-in-law drop dead on the spot if I'm lyin'.

- Alright. You're up. - Good.

Pick it up Lip! The baby elephant just hit nineteen!

Let's go Lip! Let's go. Come on.

You are embarrassing. You're embarrassing your son. He's killing you.

- Hey Nicky. You do your homework? - Yep.


- Where have you been? - Gorman's.

I'm making dinner!

Fat Paulie bet me fifty bucks he could eat more hot dogs than me.

He knocked off twenty four. Guy's an animal.

Are you crazy?

You lost fifty dollars?

Dolores. Please.

I ate twenty six.

You're so lucky.

You know that?

Rent is e on Monday.

You're gonna get that?


Hey Lip. Some guy called over here, a doctor. He's looking for a driver.

- You interested? - Yeah.

They're interviewing guys tomorrow afternoon.

The address is...

Eight eighty one, 7th avenue, two fifteen.


- Excuse me. - We're not open right now. But you're

welcome to buy tickets to tonight's performance.

Nah. That's not it.

I think I got the wrong address. But is there a doctor's office in here?

A doctor's office?

- Dr Shirley.

You have the correct address. Dr Shirley lives upstairs, above the hall.

How you doing?

I'm here for the driver job. Tony Lip.

No Tony Lip.

No it should be on there.

No... Um...

- I have a Tony Val... Valle... - Vallelonga. Yeah, that's me.

- Fill it out while you wait. - What?

Fill it out while you wait.

Have a seat.

Mr. Vallelonga, sorry to keep you waiting.

I'm Dr. Donald Shirley.

- Tony. - Yes. Please sit down.

Some place you got in here.

Them horns real?

Elephant tusks. Yes.

What about that?

That a molar?

- A what? - A molar.

Like a Shark tooth?

Tiger's maybe.

It was a gift.

I thought, I thought I was going to a office.

They said a doctor needed a driver.

That's all they told you?

- Yeah. - Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that.

Have you ever driven professionally before?

Sanitation. Garbage trucks.

Plus I drive my boss home at night. But I can drive anything.

Limos, tow trucks.

Snow palms, whatever.

I see. What other experience do you have?

I worked a lot of joints. The Wagon Wheel, Peppermint Lounge, Copa

- In what capacity? - What do you mean?

- What did you do there? - Ah...

Public relations.

Well, first of all, Tony, I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a musician.

- You mean like songs? - Yes.

I'm about to embark on a concert tour, the majority of which will be down South.

- Atlantic city? - No.

The deep south. First we're starting in the Midwest, but then we're taking a hard left.

Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and on down through the Delta.

Do you foresee any issues in working for a black man?


No no. Just the other day me and the wife had

a couple of colored guys over at the house.

For drinks.

Hmm. I see, you're married.

Yeah. Two kids.
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