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求神秘园《The Dream》的歌词。

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-17 14:41



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 09:59

we sail out in the morning
as the winter turns to spring
we destined on our way
of what tomorrow brings
towards the blue horizon
leaving what we had behind
our yearning hearts will guide us to find
the dream we carry with us
and the hopes that we hold
as we rise from the ash into gold
we reach for the impossible
as some ? may see
still we sail accross the ocean
and follow the dream
the morning stars above us
will lead us to the shore
my heart will be my compass
and you will be my nord
we focused on we were born
and pull in come moon
but what we had achieved in for winning
the dream we carry with us
and the hopes that we hold
as we rise from the ash into gold
we reach for the impossible
as some ? may see
we will sail across the ocean
and come to the dream
one day arriving beyond the ?
you'll find me waiting
and i will find you.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 10:00

You're too far away
Too far away to touch
And this mother's love inside me
Hurts too much
Prettily waving
Playing on the sand
Dreaming of everything
Dancing in our hands

Dizzy dizzy dizzy
As I speak
Like a tumbling cat
I watch in fascination
Like a vampire bat
Don't do it don't do it
Don't do it don't do it
Don't give it away
We'll use it up tomorrow
If we don't use it today

Rest your head
Oh! just put it outside
All wrapped up in ribbons
The night
The dream
The time love died

We pushed it in our mouths
Pushed it deep inside
All wrapped up in ribbons
The night
The dream
The time
Love died
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