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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-16 23:25



热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 06:27

The monkey in the life of glasses, 15-20 years with crickets, and extremely, township, leave the land will die in the Philippines, where people tried to other feeding, failed. The wild monkey is very shy, glasses, of course not accustomed to people. In recent years, due to the forest is less and less, make suitable habitat loss of glasses monkey environment, thus face extinction. Mrs. Only the year glasses monkey gave a baby, because it has rarely, spoiled. Now in the Indonesian island of sulawesi, timber merchant to profit unscrupulously wood-cutters, destroyed the survival of the monkey glasses, and agriculture in a habitat for the use of pesticides, herbicides, and they are the source of food, and therefore endangered glasses monkey.
Last year, I went to the Philippines to see the lovely little animals, when we find them all down the volume. Big eyes brown hair, I gently put her hands can feel this small life from the temperature. At that moment the true feelings to its fragile, they are so we need protection.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 06:32

The monkey in the life of glasses, 15-20 years with crickets, and extremely, township, leave the land will die in the Philippines, where people tried to other feeding, failed. The wild monkey is very shy, glasses, of course not accustomed to people. In recent years, due to the forest is less and less, make suitable habitat loss of glasses monkey environment, thus face extinction. Mrs. Only the year glasses monkey

热心网友 时间:2024-10-18 06:32


The Philippine Tarsier is a tiny animal, measuring about 85 to 160 millimetres (3.35 to 6.30 in) in height makes this one of the smallest primates. 先介绍一下眼镜猴,这边已经12点了,我先睡觉,做个记号,明天再来哈~
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