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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-16 16:51



热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 20:16

Recently, the Central Leading Group for the Ecation Practice Activity issued a notice, emphasizing the importance of addressing the prominent issues of "four styles of conct" that occur among the people. The notice requires that these issues be effectively addressed to ensure that the ecation practice activity meets the expectations of the people.
The notice calls for the continuous promotion of seven specific rectification tasks. It emphasizes the need to firmly deal with issues such as excessive bureaucracy, random inspections, difficult access to government agencies, and wasteful spending. Additionally, it highlights the importance of addressing problems related to the excessive allocation of public funds, the construction of luxurious buildings, and the arbitrary implementation of policies. The activity should also focus on issues related to the "three public expenses," as well as projects that harm the interests of the people.
For issues that have already been addressed, it is necessary to persist in the efforts and not relax the grip. Particularly, attention should be given to the phenomenon of "four styles of conct" becoming more subtle or taking on new forms, and to address them effectively. For units that have not yet started addressing these issues, it is urgent to take action, define tasks, and focus on the key issues. It is important to solve both current problems and historical issues, as well as to address problems within key units and among key personnel.
The notice emphasizes the importance of addressing the issues of improper conct among the people, as part of the fight against the "four styles of conct." It calls for decisive actions and practical measures to tackle these issues until the desired goals are achieved. It requires strict measures to be taken against issues such as difficulties in handling public affairs, improper attitudes towards the public, and the misapplication of public funds. It also calls for the correction of problems related to the misuse of power, favoritism, and the provision of public services.
To effectively address the issues of improper conct that affect the people, it is necessary to improve the implementation of beneficial policies, ensure the transparency of government actions, and actively involve the public in the process. The responsibility for addressing these issues should be clearly defined, and effective supervision and accountability mechanisms should be established.
It is important to note that the success of the rectification activities depends on the leadership and supervision of the relevant departments at all levels. The notice emphasizes that the leaders should take the initiative to address the problems and ensure that the rectification measures are implemented effectively. The results of the rectification activities should be made transparent to the public, and the public should be encouraged to participate in the supervision process.
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