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发布网友 发布时间:2天前



热心网友 时间:2天前

WELL, that's a good question! Hotel is a industry which pays much attention to etiquette, so I am good at hotel English ! Because as long as the hotel facilities service or the external environment, the hotel service person should understand in advance! Before service for the guests we should first to know the needs of the guests and provide information services to guests. For example, guests want to go to the local attractions need to know the position and how to reach the place, or in need of booking cars, booking business center services. When guests need other housing goods or extra bed and breakfast and not satisfied with the room so they need to transfer room. Know how to booking a hotel, how to apply for admission or need to do MORNING-CALL. When necessary we should provide assitmanager Help. I want to say it my greatest satisfaction that I can help guests! Some unexpected events may be happen I have not meet before, so I hope that my work colleagues can assist me in the future and I will slowly improving. 可经给你作一个参考!!!!如果能帮到你将是我的荣幸。

热心网友 时间:2天前


热心网友 时间:2天前

WELL, this question asked good! Hotel is a great attention to etiquette industry, so I'm good in the hotel English as long as the hotel facilities owned by the service or the external environment, hotel services staff must understand in advance! Services for the guestsbefore you first have to know the needs of the guests and guests' information and other services. for example, guests have a certain location need to know to go to the local position, how to get or need booking, ticketing business center services, guest housing when some of the items orbed and Breakfast housing are not satisfied want to turn the room, telephone reservations, check-in, or needs to be done mORNING-CALL in the morning. when necessary with the assistance of assitmanager. I want to say that as long as the help to the guests the greatest satisfaction! some unexpected events may be in my past work has not encountered, so I think these in future work colleagues to get help and slowly improving.
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