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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 18:28



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 22:27

The "Fortune" evaluates “the American most successful entrepreneur” by the US Olsson, is the US Digital equipment corporation (DEC) the creator, general manager, he leads the company staff, undergoes 30 year struggle, causes the company the strength is in the American Similar Enterprise second. When refers to his success, he always wants to mention the father, because his father has affected his life with the motion. Olsson's father Oswald is one does not have university diploma engineer, has several patents, afterward became a salesman. Once some customer wanted to purchase the machine which from his hand he sells, but when he discovered when this customer untrue need this machine, he advises this customer not to vigorously purchase, this matter lets him boss the towering rage, but actually wins the reputation for Oswald. Oswald's three sons take him as the example, the good faith personhood, becomes completely has achievement engineer. Olsson in the behavior and the manner got along with people on have received father's merit, did not drink, did not smoke, the management rested on principle, cooperates the heavy good faith, has won the staff and the commercial partner faith.

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热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 22:31

The United States was "happy" magazine's "America's most successful entrepreneurs" Olson, the United States are Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) was founded, the general manager, he led the company's employees, after three decades of struggle, making the company similar enterprises in the strength of the United States finished second. Turning to his success, he always referred to his father because his father was affected by his life. Olson's father, Oswald is a university diploma engineer with several patents, and later became a salesman. One of his customers want to buy from him to sell the machines, but when he found that the customers do not really need this machine, he strongly advised his clients not to buy, the matter so that his boss was furious with himself, but Oswald won reputation for good. Oswald's three sons to him as an example, honesty in life, all to become successful engineers. I Olsen and style, style of life has carried on his father's merits, does not drink, do not smoke, work principles, cooperation in re-integrity, won the employees and trusted business partners.
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