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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 18:48



热心网友 时间:2024-11-11 22:50

1. Alright girl, don't be afraid of it. I'ma put you on my back seat.
2. Here, come a little closer. The scent is nice.
3. Belt is now unnecessary. Lean on my shoulder.
4. Don't be tense.
5. Alright girl, you don't have to be afraid now.
6. Put your arms around me gently.
7. Whisper in my ear with your lips.
8. Don't be shy.
9. Alright girl, you want more, don't you?
10. Trust me, don't you?
11. Follow my lead with your feelings.
12. Put you on my back seat, back seat, back seat.
13. Let go of this emotion.
14. Don't be shy, put you on my back seat.
15. Back seat, back seat, now let's get it on, on my back seat.
16. Take a moment to relax this tension.
17. That's what I've been looking for; the time for this awkward emotion is up.
18. This moment has stopped; it's time for our exclusive language.
19. This night is filled with our breathing.
20. Now, words are unnecessary.
21. Nothing can stop us; we're beyond the point of no return.
22. Don't you know this is what it's all about?
23. You want more, don't you?
24. Trust me, don't you?
25. Follow me with your feelings.
26. Put you on my back seat, back seat, back seat.
27. Let go of this emotion.
28. Don't be shy, put you on my back seat.
29. Back seat, back seat, now let's get it on, on my back seat.
30. Even your faint breathing becomes mine.
31. Let's make it distinctly ours.
32. Let's take what's left of this feeling.
33. Baby, this is what it's all about.
34. You and I, we want it just like this.
35. You want more, don't you?
36. Trust me, don't you?
37. Follow me with your feelings.
38. Put you on my back seat, back seat, back seat.
39. Let go of this emotion.
40. Don't be shy, put you on my back seat.
41. Back seat, back seat, now let's get it on, on my back seat.
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