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...A.How far B.How long C.When D. How often

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 00:25



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 02:00

( D )1、— do you have a PE lesson ? -----Every 3 days .
A.How far B.How long C.When D. How often
( C )5、The pair of socks very beautiful .
A. is looking B.look C.looks D.are looking
( A )6、Would you like to join us ?
A. Yes ,I’ love to B.Yes ,please C.No, I don’t like D. No, I am not
( D )7. are all in Class Three .
A.He,I and you B.I, you and he C.You , he and I D.He ,you and I
( D )8.Don’t have ice-cream ,It’s bad for your health .
A. too many B.few C.little D.too much
( B )10.The shoes are very nice , ,please
A,Try on it B.Try them on C.Try it on D.Try on them
( A )11.---Bill, someone is waiting you outside the school.
---Thank you telling me it.
A.for ,for ,about B.for ,about ,for C.to ,for ,to D.to ,about ,for
( D )12. is Jim’s bike , licenced number is B2576.
A.Its ,It B.It ,It’s C.Its ,It’s D.It,Its
( D )13.--- can you help him do some cleaning here ?
A. Sure B. Certainly C.Of course D.A,B and C
( D )17.Could you tell me get to the post-office ,please ?
A.how I can B.how to C. how can I D.both A and B
( B )18.We all know live on the floor in the building .
A.Brown,five B.the Browns,fifth C.Browns ,fifth D.the brown ,five
( C )19.---New York is of the largest in the world ,isn’t it ?
--- .
A.one ,city .Yes ,it is B.the one , cities , No,it is
C. one ,cities , Yes ,it is D.the one , city , No, it isn’t
( B )20.Would you like please ? --- Yes , thank you .
A. any cakes B. some cakes C. some cake D. any cake
1、February is the smallest month in a year , It usually has 28 days
2. Wednesday is one day before Thursday in a week .
3、December is the last month of the year .
4、When we are ill , we usually go to see a doctor .
5、Beijing is the capital of our country .
6、Wang Hai can run less fast than Tom because Tom dose well.
7.Please colour the apple red ,It will look more beautiful.
8、We often use our computer to chat with our net friend .
9、We must wait till the light is green when we cross the road .
10、Of the four seasons , I like autumn / fall best because it’s golden and harvest season

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 01:58

D C A D D B 11,B D D 17 B B C 20B
Feburary wednsday last doctor capital slowlier paint computer till autumn

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 01:57


热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 01:58

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