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以how i arrange time to learn english为题写一篇英语作文 字数120

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 01:01



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 04:15

Eight months ago ,I was in my high school, it is the best school in zhangzhou.Now,I am in shanghai.Only in the eight months,I find many differences between high school and college.
At high school ,I was asked to study the lessons for the exams erery day ,now I can read many books I like in the library or in the internet .In high school ,my only goal is to enter a good college and I can not take part in many interesting activities .Now ,teachers teach me how to consider something ,how to slove problems ,how to choose a good job and I take part in some useful activities .At college,I have many free time.I learn how to arrange it ,when to wash clothes.Living without my parents,I learn many things for my future lives .
I learnt at high school and college in both similar and different ways.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 04:23

English is important as it is the main language in the world. All people need to study English, even Chinese, Koreans and Japanese. Also, English has close relation in our everyday life. For example, when we are travelling inother places, we need to speak English as we don’t know how to speak their local language.
To arrange time to learn English, we need to have a good timemanagement. It is important to grasp the time in order to learn English. Forexample, read English books instead of playing my mobile phone while taking buses. Second, listen to English radio while doing my homework. These two solution wont spent lots of time and I am sure I can improve my English. (122 words)

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 04:21

Eight months ago ,I was in my high school, it is the best school in zhangzhou.Now,I am in shanghai.Only in the eight months,I find many differences between high school and college.
At high school ,I was asked to study the lessons for the exams erery day ,now I can read many books I like in the library or in the internet .In high school ,my only goal is to enter a good college and I can not take part in many interesting activities .Now ,teachers teach me how to consider something ,how to slove problems ,how to choose a good job and I take part in some useful activities .At college,I have many free time.I learn how to arrange it ,when to wash clothes.Living without my parents,I learn many things for my future lives .
I learnt at high school and college in both similar and different ways.
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