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what is the marketing research error ?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-13 23:01



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 21:38

The more mon marketing research errors are highlighted

1) Sampling error — the estimated inaccuracy of the results of a study when a population sample is used to explain behavior of the total population.

2) Non-Sampling error — all the sources of bias or inaccuracy in a study besides sampling error. Examples: leading by the interviewer, recording/data entry errors (see below)

3) Non-Response error — the estimated inaccuracy that results from a systematic difference beeen those who do and do not respond to the measurement instrument.

4) Response errors — the estimated inaccuracy that can be introced potentially by the researcher, the interviewer or the respondent.

5) Researcher errors — the error that the researcher can make in survey design & execution throughout the 6 Steps of the research process.

6) Problem definition — the error made ring Step 1 of the research process when the researcher misinterprets, misunderstands or does not properly define the issue/problem and related information need.

7) Population definition error — the difference beeen the actual population relative to the issue/problem and the population as defined by the researcher. For example, estimating that the total target population is 50,000 when it is actually 10,000.

8) Sample design error — the estimated inaccuracy beeen the properly defined actual target and the population sampled.

9) Questionnaire error — the total of errors made when creating the survey instrument (see below).

10) Questionnaire structure error — the error made when the structure and layout of the survey instrument leads to inaccurate responses.

11) Questionnaire language error — the error made when the researcher uses incorrect language (ambiguous, leading, assumptive, etc) in the survey instrument so that respondents are influenced in their wers. Language errors severely limit the validity and usefulness of those questions and are the most mon error for inexperienced marketing researchers.

12) Questionnaire measurement/scale error — the estimated inaccuracy that occurs when improper measurement and scaling techniques are used in the survey instrument. There are far too many measurement/scale errors to list here — the key is that for each type of question, there is a measurement/scale that is most appropriate, and sometimes it is intuitive and sometimes not.

13) Data *** ysis error — the error that occurs when *** ysis is incorrectly executed. Simple mathematical errors are mon, which is why data *** ysis should be checked over by more than one qualified person for quality.

14) Reporting error — the best approach and program design bined with the best *** ysis is only as good as the researcher’s capability to synthesize and report on the results. The most mon reporting error by far is the improper representation of the significant findings in a format concive to creating management understanding and buy-in of survey results. 15) Interviewer error —when a live interviewer improperly affects responses (see below)

16) Questioning error — when the interviewer improperly leads the respondent in any way through personal bias or any other improper delivery of questions.

17) Cheating error — when the interviewer falsifies any results.

18) Population definition error — when the interviewer does not randomly select potential respondents according to the methodology specified.

19) Respondent error — when respondents purposefully or mistakenly give incorrect wers to survey questions.,参考: polari *** r/edctr_monerrors#1,marketong research always has unintentional or intentional errors, so don't trust too much research results,
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