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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-13 18:11



热心网友 时间:2024-10-17 10:56

As the catalyst, No. Heterocyclic yield (%) ratio (a: b) with the electronic structure and the various different aliphatic amines / epoxy aromatic compounds open loop. (Table 2, points were recorded 1-23) 0.18 aniline and the reaction of styrene oxide provides the joint production of 92% [2 - (aniline) - 2 - Phenylethanol + 2 - (benzene - 2 ylamino ) - 1 - phenyl ethyl], the main isomer has an excellent regional selectivity, as many as 84 percent. Isomers of the main structure by the 3 M +1 GC-MS (base-31) and H nuclear magnetic resonance (dd, d = 3.65 ppm, hydrogen p-nuclear) confirmed that the attack in the benzyl position with I.19 For electronic-based and electronic four-absorption of aniline, for example, Me, OMe, CF3, F (recorded at 2-5) in the current catalytic system and well tolerated. With a large number 2 - naph-5 thyl amine of styrene effective solution of ammonia to 88% of the yield (recorded 6 points). Dihydroindol-oxide and styrene is a very short response time smooth reaction (recorded at 7). 6 In order to explore the general programme, we have to turn their attention to fat epoxy compounds, such as propylene oxide, phenyl glycidyl ether, 7 epichlorohydrin, epoxy cyclohexane the open-loop (sub-recorded 8-23). Good yield of the amino alcohol reaction conditions are as follows: Heterocyclic = 1.2 mmol; epoxy = 1 mmol; access to reverse regional selective display Y (nitrate) 36 h2o = 0.025 mmol; time = 24 hours. Only the major Isomers be displayed in the attacks of propylene oxide was replaced by the less carbon. By the GC.'s Decision c yield possible reason is that the oxidation of styrene, by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry analysis positive d ratio. Oxygen seems to be in charge of more e-Y (nitrate) 36 H2O = 3 mole%; time = 8 hours, more substituted benzyl carbon lead to the main products. However, if the aliphatic epoxy compound of the space-dominated electronic factor, thereby promoting selective ammonia solution Epichlorohydrin attacks in the observation of the epoxy smaller carbon atoms hampered by the attack on the Central .3 epoxy ring less carbon to replace Be the ideal product. (Sub-Amine of propylene oxide and the response, such as 16-19).
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