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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 09:31



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 14:44

Information society technology, the prices of high economic efficiency, The application enables the computer has become popular to the economic and social life in all fields. Current student information management cumbersome to operate with a strong sense of the executives bring a lot of inconvenience Teaching office is a lack of a comprehensive student information management software. In order to adapt to modern society was highly strong sense that the development of efficient, reasonable, Scientific Maintenance Management System software has become an urgent demands of the market. Therefore, the research-oriented design of a tertiary institutions and the general college student expulsion common information management system introced a system of the major functions of the database used Maintenance Management Information System Interface, Student Information Management System includes the basic student information management, family information and student discipline records of students, Student performance management, student information management classes with students closely related to the operation of some information. In addition, the establishment, and Addition and deletion of courses, teachers, and other basic information management normal school management setup, than essential data backup, user management, parameter management, print statements, and other functions. The system uses Borland's Delphi as a development tool, Micsoftware companies in the Access database. in the software development process for the system's operational needs, database development process done a detailed analysis.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 14:44

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