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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 03:12



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 04:11

Foreign languages have become very important communication tools because of the rapid development of network technology and the impact of economic globalization. Since China's accession to the World Trade Organization, the international cooperation and communication become more and more close. Thus, the importance of learning foreign languages is more and more prominent. The development of society, science and economy not only demands the popularization of foreign language education but also improves the standard of the citizens' English communication skills.
However, as for English teaching in China, there are still many problems exist. The most obvious one is the lack of practical usage of English. The improvement of English communicative abilities has become urgent affair in teaching reform. In recent years, learning to interaction with students becomes more popular in teaching methodology comparing to the domestic practice teaching. (其实是因为没懂你的原文。。所以按自己理解的改写了下) Role-play is one of the effective teaching methods. It is a way in which the teachers provide a real learning situation, and organize students to together recognize the situation. This teaching mode is mainly help students study and understand the teaching contents through performing the various characters. Its implementation always appears in real situation, which can raise the students’ learning enthusiasm and improve students’ communicative abilities. Moreover, it can encourage students to do teamwork and enhance the teaching level of cognition. By this method, students will make some progress in applying the English communicative skills in practice. As for teachers, they can increase the efficiency and quality of their classroom teaching and realize the teaching effectiveness.
Although lots of students had learned English for many years, they still can’t communicate in English. Obviously, they lack communication in English in daily life. So role-play is the best way to resolve this problem because it can improve students’ spoken English well. Similarly, what we should not neglect is the students’ motivation and interests in learning. Motivation is the fundamental element to ensure success in learning a foreign language. Interest is the key to learn a foreign language. How can teachers make English lesson vivid and attract student’s interest? Role-play in English teaching is one of the effective ways to motivate children to work hard and cultivate their interests in learning English. There are more and more teachers using role-play in English teaching as they come to realize that role-play in English teaching is very important. The paper aims to explore why role-plays are appreciated in English class teaching, and list out the advantages of role-play.

这篇文章写得整体上已经很不错了。有一些地方不通顺。。有些语法错误。。但是你这篇文章有一个缺点,那就是逻辑。。有点乱的感觉。如果是个research paper 的话建议你写的比较clear, well-organized.呵呵。。所以你应该把你认为的那些好的方法在文章中有顺序的写出来比较好。。。呵呵,自己看着办吧。
Best wishes!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 04:09

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