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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-14 01:55



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 09:46

My Plan for the New Semester
As the new semester approaches, I am eager to outline my plans for the upcoming term. Firstly, I aim to maintain the same level of dedication and effort I demonstrated during the previous semester. I achieved notable success then, and I intend to continue this trend. Over the summer break, I engaged in some course previews and found the new subjects to be manageable.
Secondly, I plan to allocate more time to reading. Engaging with books is incredibly beneficial as it offers a wealth of knowledge and broadens one's perspective. Furthermore, reading encourages deeper thinking and comprehension.
Additionally, I intend to actively participate in regular exercise. Regardless of how hectic my schedule may be, I will prioritize physical fitness by setting aside dedicated time for exercise. A strong body forms the foundation for all other endeavors, and regular exercise will help me maintain this vitality.
Moreover, exercise not only promotes physical well-being but also mental clarity. After a session of physical activity, I feel rejuvenated and at ease, which enables me to concentrate fully on tasks such as studying, reading, and contemplation.
In conclusion, these are my aspirations for the new semester. I am confident that with determination and consistent effort, I will be able to implement this plan step by step.
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