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Several years ago, I became very sad. There was something 1___ w...

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Several years ago, I became very sad. There was something 1___ w...


Several years ago, I became very sad. There was s

Several years ago, I became very sad. There was something wrong with my left eye. At last, the doctors told me that I could never see from that eye again. This was the saddest news for me.At the time, I felt so lonely. So I went to my boss(老板)and asked for some ...


While I was at the booking office buying a ticket, father saw to my luggage. There was quite a bit of luggage and he had to bargain with the porter over the fee. I was then such a smart aleck that I frowned upon the way father was haggling and was on the verge of chipping in a...


Several years ago, I was very lucky to have an opportunity to live in the United States for about two years. I not only enjoyed the beautiful environment there, but also appreciated the American people's active way of protecting their environment. Now, whenever the environment protection is m...




i lost that hat long ago,很久以前失落了 flew to the foggy canyon.它飘向浓雾的山岙 yeh ma ma i wonder 耶哎妈妈那顶草帽 what happened to that old straw hat,它在何方你可知道 falling down the mountain side 掉落在那山坳 out of my reach like your heart.就像你的心儿我再也得不...


I am in grade 1 class 5.In my class, there has 50 classmates. I am the monitor in our class. My parents are all teachers, my father is history teacher, and my mother is a Chinese teacher. I think I am very happy! At school, I have many good friends, and I am good at ...


Lesson 66 1.When the Lancaster bomber crashed it was not too badly damaged,but the island was so remote that the wreck remained undisturbed for more than enty years. 2.Now some enthusiasts in France who plan to have the plane restored are absolutely delighted. 3.They will only need to hav...


Too young to know what a poem was, I was noheless so impressed by what I had seen that there seemed to be something stirring in my heart. On some days, I would play by the pond late into the night. 有时候在坑边玩很久,才回家睡觉。在梦中见到两个月亮叠在一起,清光更加晶莹澄澈。第...

求英语高手帮我翻译这篇文章! 汉译英!

But sometimes life is so short that we were all scared. Several years have passed in the flip of a finger. Everything has gone in the moment of eyes closed. Aren’t there anything remaining when everything went away as transient as a fleeting cloud?当我打开一首歌曲的时候,那...

I have something I want something something I need something I like I see something Imagine Dragons I feel very sad I feel sad now I am very sad
母亲55岁得了糖尿病,吃药控制在9以内,最近有点效果不好,到13点几了... ...很害怕发展成糖尿病足,有什么方法控制血糖吗? 我的妈妈得了糖尿病,那个什么值8点多,似乎不能治好,那么如果能控制血糖... 由糖尿病引起的白内障怎样才能控制?最好用中药的方法或者说按摩哪个穴位... 新凯美瑞2.5发动机和8自动变速箱是进口的吗? 网页图片下载神器!图片收集与管理利器Eagle ...怎么弄到自己的电脑里面去自己玩,不用4399游戏盒。 关于足部反射区,懂中医的入 脚部反射区图解图片 足部反射区疼痛怎么办 ...make us()happy or sad A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel 2... 适当形式填空:1.How__your brother__(feel)? He's sad. 恶意购买是指什么 ...有一个主角从雪地里逃了几天几夜才逃出来的,途中还遇到了一个... 一个蒙古包一个男的一个女的是什么电影 功率因数cosφ的公式 1.10.3 “标尺”以及标尺的作用有哪些? 小米空调找谁代工的? 我不喜欢老公和女同事走得太近,该怎么办 老公跟同事走的近,该怎么办? 怎么连校园网wifi 小米空调和米家有什么区别? 小米空调是哪里生产的? 小米空调是谁带工的 小米的空调是哪家代工的 小米空调哪里代工生产 小米空调好吗?跟米家空调哪个好? ai怎么制作多个文本框ai怎么制作多个文本框的效果 ai如何让两个字合并ai如何让两个字合并成一个字 如何使用AI自动添加页码串接文ai怎么自动生成页码 1.Blue can make us feel ---(sad)than other colours 2.We coul... 这两天来几次梦见死去的奶奶又活了,这是怎么回事? 终结者外传第二季23集什么时候出? 请问最新的越狱和终结者外传都是多少集 啊? 终结者外传第二季15集什么时候出啊? 发现老公和别的女的打电话聊天怎么办? 喜欢电钻是什么意思啊? 练腹肌多久能看出效果求大神帮助 ...问如下的方法多长时间能明显看出6块腹肌 求大神 如何能更快的练出腹肌。求大神帮助 怎么练才能是肌肉膨胀,也就不要像李小龙那样只练不张求大神帮助 腹肌怎么练才能练出线条变的美观求大神帮助 按规定月工资超过1600元的部分应按百分之五的税率缴纳个人所得税,小... 小红的爸爸月工资是3200远,他一年应交纳党费多少元?应用题 ...工资低于1600元的不征税,月收入超过1600元,超过... 小红的爸爸月工资1900元妈妈月工资1870元按规定超出1600元的部分应按5... 如何面对丈夫和女同事之间暧昧的眼神呢? 覆水难收猜一生肖,需要具体说明为什么,不懂的别瞎猜,以免误导,谢谢 模具要学多长时间,才能真正学会啊 老公跟女同事很暧昧,我发现后警告他有七八次,可七八次都是虚心接受屡...