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...首女英文歌 我只记得唱了歌词好像是I gatsonruai 后面还有句I garson...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 23:51



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 03:04

The Pussycat Dolls - Hush Hush

I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain' I never needed strain
My love for you is strong enough you should have known
I never needed you for judgment
I never needed you to question what I spend
I never ask for help
I take care of myself
I don’t why you think you got a hold on me

And it’s a little late for conversations
There isn’t anything for you to say
And my eyes hurt' hands shiver
So look at me and listen to me because…

I don’t want to stay another minute
I don’t want you to say a single word
Hush hush
Hush hush
There is no other way' I get the final say
I don’t want to' do this any longer
I don’t want you' theres nothing left to say
Hush hush
Hush hush
I’ve already spoken' our love is broken
Baby hush hush

I never needed your corrections
On everything from how I act to what I say
I never needed words I never needed hurts
I never needed you to be there everyday
I’m sorry for the way I let go
From everything I wanted when you came along
But I am never beaten' broken not defeated
I know next to you is not where I belong

And it’s a little late for explanations
There isn’t anything that you can do
And my eyes hurt' hands shiver
So you will listen when I say baby…

I don’t want to stay another minute
I don’t want you to say a single word
Hush hush
Hush hush
There is no other way' I get the final say
I don’t want to do this any longer
I don’t want you there’s nothing left to say
Hush hush
Hush hush
I’ve already spoken' our love is broken
Baby hush hush

No more words
No more lies
No more crying

No more pain
No more hurt
No more trying

I don’t want to stay another minute
I don’t want you to say a single word
Hush hush
Hush hush
There is no other way' I get the final say
I don’t want to' do this any longer
I don’t want you' theres nothing left to say
Hush hush
Hush hush
I’ve already spoken' our love is broken
Baby hush hush

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 03:07

虹口区东余杭路541弄算几号地块?12年下半年号称要拆,附近都在拆类,明... 我想知道新建路东余杭路这二年有没有拆迁规划? 手机通话变声器哪种好 变声器哪个好用 我准备7月底开始复习考研,还来得及吗 大四下学期考研还来得及吗 考研还来得及吗 ...在脊椎骨右边靠脊椎骨附近疼,是什么原因,大概有半个多月了,弯腰时... 电脑开着总是无缘无故蓝屏提示 电脑开着总是无缘无故蓝屏 电脑无缘无故蓝屏怎么回事探究电脑突然蓝屏的原因 开拓者正义之怒最强职业推荐 三国猛将吕布的最爱美女貂蝉是怎么死的?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 问飞机飞到水坝处的跳伞点在那里?!谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 你知道蜗牛想吃什么吗? 蜗牛受了什么委屈 小米摄像头怎么连接多个手机 北京海淀暑假自驾游去哪里好?路程不要太远!!3q 分手一个月 ...却总找借口推脱,想见的时候已经没机会了。有些事该做,却一天一天推... 收入15万人民币,属于什么水平 波客城市里有人有几亿的星币,有人有几十万的元宝,他们是弄到的,哪... ...前男友他也承认他早已知道自己患了梅毒,请问我该怎么办? ...验收300平方以内是什么标准,有没有知道详细的朋友_百度知... ...可效果要几个月才能知道。而我们个把月就要结婚了... 绝世沉沦是什么意思? 人为什么容易在随波逐流中沉沦? ...男朋友是当兵的,我们快结婚了,部队要我的个人资料,包括体检,我怕... Here comes my list of dos and don'ts... do和don't可以做名词吗?_百 ... 在英语中the dos and don'ts什么意思 英语试卷上的表格里写着Dos 和 Don'ts。。我觉得有问题 有一首女生唱的英文歌,歌词有一句大概是:莱特米的ruai后面也跟着莱特... 有首英文歌,不知道名字,只知道开头是"额拿了桑ruai..."是什么歌? 怎样能让一个人不再驼背 杨绛《称心如意》《弄假成真》的剧本 txt 电子书 内循环外循环的区别是什么 内循环外循环的区别是 女人屁股猜汽车品牌 北京还有哪家药店能抓中草药 除了同仁堂和百草堂 什么叫做欲仙欲死? 仙境传说RO手游服事怎么加点介绍_仙境传说RO手游服事怎么加点是什么_百 ... 家里干净为何还会出现衣鱼? 劳动法第26条内容是什么 有哪些口感正宗的清补凉值得选购? 清补凉在海南很受欢迎吗? 张国荣和邓紫棋谁的粉丝多 眼皮翻开有白色颗粒怎么办 下眼皮长白色颗粒怎么回事 内眼睑上长小颗粒怎么办 乐购划算团买的小米已经到货,可是没有给我开发票. 有什么适合女生上班用低调大气的包包推荐? 今天中午在小米官网买了电信版米2S 32G