孟子二章 翻译
发布时间:2024-10-20 01:36
时间:2024-11-29 15:58
生于忧患 死于安乐 舜从田地中被任用,傅说从筑墙的泥水匠中被选拔,胶鬲从鱼盐贩中被举荐,管夷吾从狱官手里被释放并被录用为相,孙叔敖从隐居的海滨被任用,百里奚从买卖奴隶场所被选拔用为大夫。 所以上天将要下达重大责任给这样的人,一定先要使他的内心痛苦,使他的筋骨劳累,使他经受饥饿,以致肌肤消瘦,使他身受贫困之苦,在他做事时,使他所做的事颠倒错乱,用这些办法来使他的心波动,使他的性格坚忍起来,增加他过去所没有的才能。 一个人常常是犯了错误,以后才能(注意)改正;内心困惑,思虑堵塞,才能奋起,有所作为;憔悴枯槁,表现在脸上,吟咏叹息之气发于声音,(看到他的脸,听到他的声音)然后人们才了解他。 (一个国家)国内如果没有有法度的世臣和能辅佐君主的贤士,国外如果没有敌对的国家和外国侵犯的危险,常常灭亡。 这样人们才会明白忧患使人生存,安逸享乐使人死亡。 得道多助,失道寡助 有利于作战的天气时令不如有利于作战的地理条件,有利于作战的地理条件不如作战中的人们同心协力。 方圆三里的内城,方圆七里的外城,包围着攻打它却不能取胜。包围着攻打它,必定是得到了有利于作战的天然时运,然而不能取胜,这是有利于作战的天气时令不如有利于作战的地理条件的原因。 城墙并不是不高,护城河并不是不深,武器装备并不是不精良,粮食也并不是不充足,但(守城者)弃城而逃,是对作战有利的地理形势不如作战中的人们同心协力的原因。 所以说,使人民定居下来而不迁到别的地方去,不能依靠划定边疆的界限,巩固国防不能靠山河的险要,震慑天下不能靠武力的强大。施行仁政的君主,得到帮助支持他的人就多,不施行仁政的君主,得到帮助支持他的人就少。帮助他的人少到了极点,内外亲属都背叛他。帮助他的人多到了极点,天下人都归顺他。凭借天下人都归顺他的这一点,攻打被内外亲属背叛的君主,所以君子不战则已,战就一定能胜利。
时间:2024-11-29 15:58
Hardships for the worst
Shun Fat acres in the field drains into, Fu typography held in between the fish and salt inplastic Ge being held, the management held in Yiwu Shi, Sun Shuao held in the sea, andBaili Xi held in the city. It will drop any day so people, we must first suffer their aspirations, workers of their bones, their body skin hunger, depletion of their body, Linefu chaos, so tempted Ren Xing, they can not have been beneficial. Were constant over, and then to change; trapped in the mind, value for the consideration, then for; sign incolor, occur in the sound, then Yu. Disabilities into the brush can not home, the foreign patients are invincible, Kwok-hang death. Then known Hardships and died well-beingalso.
Mencius said: "Each person has a human heart can not bear. kings who have not bearthe heart of the Sri Lankan government has not bear to carry on person. to bear the heart of man, the line could not bear one of the government, governance can be transported in the handheld world. so that everyone Can not bear people who haveheart, men suddenly see Ruzi into a well, there are Chuti compassion, non-delivery in the Ruzi so within the Parents, non-so friends to reputation in the Hsiang-tang, non-evil,and then the sound Also. From this perspective, no compassion, non-human also; noright and wrong of the heart, non-human also. compassion, benevolence side also;Shame and Disgust, meaning the end of him; politely refuse the heart, courtesy of theend also ; the heart of right and wrong, wisdom side also. person there is a four-terminal, it still has four of its body as well. There is a four-terminal but not from thatperson, who is also from thieves; that Qijun not those who are thieves Qijun . Where afour-terminal to me who are expanding and filling the know also, if the beginning of the fire however, the beginning of spring. Gouneng charge of, enough to ensure universal,Gou can not charge it, not his parents. "