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发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 20:23



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 11:50

1. Hope is pronounced as [həʊp] in British English and [hoʊp] in American English.
2. The translation of hope includes the meanings of wishing for something to happen and the act of expecting.
3. Common phrases using hope include "faint hope," "false hope," and "little hope," among others.
4. Hope can also refer to an instance of expectation, such as in the phrase "glimmer of hope."
5. Verbs related to hope include "give someone hope," "give up all hope," "hold out hope," and "lose all hope."
6. Example sentences demonstrate the usage of hope in various contexts, such as expressing a desire to arrive on time or the formation of a new government.
7. The sentiment of hope can be conveyed in phrases like "I hope you don't think I'm being too forward," indicating a wish for understanding.
8. A negative expression of hope might be "I hope I never set eyes on this place again!" indicating a desire to avoid a place.
9. The phrase "Let's hope everything will go according to plan" expresses a positive expectation for future events.
10. Everyday usage is shown in "I hope you haven't used all the milk," where hope is used to inquire about the status of an item.
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