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歌词中有每一天i need you in my love

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-19 20:22



热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 14:13

【专辑】:Stylish Index
15 Love Paradise
歌手:陈慧琳 | 作曲:陈光荣
填词:Poman Lo | 编曲:陈光荣
You're always on my mind
All day just all the time
You're everything to me
Brightest star to let me see
You touch me in my dreams
We kiss in every scene
I pray to be with you
through rain and shiny days
I'll love you Till I die
Deep as sea Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life be our love paradise
You're always on my mind
All day just all the time
You're everything to me
Brightest star to let me see
You touch me in my dreams
We kiss in every scene
I pray to be with you
through rain and shiny days
I'll love you Till I die
Deep as sea Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life be our love paradise
I'll love you Till I die
Deep as sea Wide as sky
The beauty of our love paints rainbows
Everywhere we go
Need you all my life
You're my hope You're my pride
In your arms I find my heaven
In your eyes my sea and sky
May life be our love paradise

那是不是这个:Would You Please Come Home (今夜你会不会来 - 黎明)

Would you please come home
专辑: Would you please come home
tanding in the most of a loney winter evening
Watching all thins streff makes more than in the night
I wonder why you have not call to me good night
You know I fell loney in the night
And this call the loney time
maybe you just can guess that I could be all right
No matter what you think I need you to come to me now
I can't love without you baby
So come home to me my love
Wish what Ican only let you know
just the way I am feeling now
Are you willing to come back to me if I can-hony my love
Would you please come home tonight
Just let me konw that you will
Would you please come home tonight
Oh my love I need you now
Oh darling say you'll come tonight
Don't let me down my love


热心网友 时间:2024-10-31 14:16

Beautiful girl,i love you ,i need you ,pleas come in my dream
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